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i ended up falling asleep in ashton's room. i woke up in my bed feeling super sweaty and exhausted.

i went into the restroom and looked at myself to see sweat dripping down my face.

what the hell was going on.

i quickly hopped into the shower with my clothes on and turned the water on.

i kept it extremely cold because i was boiling.

i sat down and let the cold water run over my skin.

i heard the door start to open and calum's head pop in.

"oh my- why are you in the shower with your clothes on?" he asked.

"i felt too hot." i whispered as i kept the ice cold water pouring down.

calum went over to touch the water and quickly jumped back.

"jeez that's freezing!" he spoke as he quickly turned the water off. "were you not cold?"

"turn it on please. i feel too hot." i spoke as i began to feel myself burning up again.

calum went to touch my forehead. "you're burning up." he whispered.

i quickly jumped up and turned the water back on.

"i'm going to grab medicine stay here." he spoke as he stood up.

i curled myself into a tiny ball and let the cold water hit my skin.

calum came back in with luke a few moments later.

luke bent down and felt my pulse.

"how the hell are you staying in there?" he questioned as he saw me shaking.

"i feel hot." i spoke simply.

i looked down at my arm and quickly rolled my sleeve up. i began to panic as i saw the old scars becoming redder.

"why are they becoming more red? the water is cold!" i stuttered as i rolled my sleeve down.

"bella, they aren't changing color are you okay?" calum spoke cautiously.

i looked at him and saw two of both him and luke.

"w-why are there two of you?" i asked before i blacked out on the floor.

i woke up a couple hours later to see an IV in my arm and a cooling rag on my forehead.

i saw calum sitting in the chair next to my bed.

"you spiked a fever so high we think you started hallucinating." calum spoke softly.

"what's it from?" i asked trying to sit up before being pushed back by calum.

"we think it's from a cold, but we don't know. if you don't start to feel better tomorrow we are going to bring you by the hospital and run tests." he spoke quietly.

i nodded and quickly felt myself falling back to sleep.

"w-wait what about court?" i whispered.

"we'll go tomorrow if you feel better, if not then the official documents can wait, as long as i'm concerned you already are my daughter." calum smiled before walking off.

i felt myself relax and fall back asleep.

i woke up the next morning at 9 am and quickly sat up.

i gently pulled the IV out and went downstairs.

ashton was down there cooking.

"you've really got to stop pulling the IV's out." ashton spoke before walking towards me.

"how are we feeling today?" he asked.

"much better. still not 100% but much better." i smiled lightly.

"calum is still sleeping. he was up all night checking to make sure your temperature was dropping." he smiled.

"he really cares about me that much?" i spoke softly.

"baby he cares about you more than you could ever know. we all do." he smiled gently before going back to the kitchen.

i heard a yell from upstairs and immediately went to the bottom of the stairs.

"guys! bella is missing!" i heard calum shout.

"wait what!" i heard michael yell as a huge thud was heard upstairs.

i stood at the bottom of the stairs looking shocked.

"i'm here." i spoke just loud enough for calum to hear me.

"you've really got to stop taking the IV out." he sighed as he placed his hand above his heart.

"that's what i said!" i heard ashton shout.

i shrugged my shoulders and walked to the couch.

i loved these boys.

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