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we decided to head to court the next day.

we all walked inside and walked inside the court and sat down in the chairs.

the judge entered the room and we all stood up before sitting back down.

"so, i'm here to grant custody of bella miller to calum hood because her mother, jenna miller, decided to give her rights away." the judge asked.

calum nodded firmly, "yes your honor."

"very well, let this case begin." he spoke as clasped his hands together.

"on paper, you are the perfect candidate to adopt bella, but tell me a bit why you want to adopt bella dr. hood?" the judge asked.

"well, there's many reasons your honor. ever since i met her, she's impacted my life in a way that i can't explain. we've had our ups and downs, but i feel like i'm more than capable of being a parental guardian to her." calum spoke firmly.

"interesting. do you want calum to be your guardian bella? do you feel comfortable with him?" the judge asked.

"i do. i sometimes feel more comfortable with him and the other boys than with my own mom." i spoke softly.

"i'll be honest, i don't really have much to say about this case. i think your mother is going to regret what she's doing, but dr. hood and his friends seem to care about you a lot. i don't have any objections to the adoption whatsoever." the judge spoke firmly.

"thank you your honor." calum and i spoke in unison.

the judge chuckled before grabbing a legal document.

"congratulations dr. hood, you now have a daughter." he smiled as he sighed off on the legal document.

i quickly jumped into calum's arms and hugged him as he twirled us around in a circle.

"i'm going to be a dad!" calum smiled brightly.

"and i'm going to be the favorite uncle." luke boasted as he ran up and gave us a hug.

we all left the court house and went to olive garden to order some food.

"not to bring the mood down, but your mother was released from the hospital, don't be surprised if she ends up coming back." ashton spoke softly.

"she's the least of my worries right now." i spoke with a tiny smile.

"good, you deserve to be happy." ashton smiled as our food arrived.

we all ate and then headed back to the house before going our separate ways.

i walked into my room and stared my reflection.

i can't believe my mom didn't want me. as much as i wanted to be happy and forget about what my mom has said and done, it still hurt.

she gave me up, like i was a piece of property and not her daughter.

i walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower so no one would hear me cry.

i pulled my knees up to my chest and cornered myself in between the wall and toilet and cried my eyes out.

i heard the door jingle and open up as i was crouched in the corner and saw michael poke his head in.

"what's up pretty girl?" he asked as he turned the water off and walked towards me.

"she threw me away like i'm garbage and didn't even care that i was her daughter. i'm so happy with you guys, but it hurts me that she didn't even consider me." i sobbed.

"you wouldn't be human if that didn't hurt you." michael sighed as he bent down to my level.

"come on, let's get you out of here. it's super stuffy from the steam." he spoke as he guided my shaking sweaty body up.

we walked back into my room where he handed me a glass of water and made me sit down on the bed.

i saw calum walk in and look concerned at the scene in front of him.

"i'm sorry you had to end up with the messed up garbage my mom didn't want." i sobbed as i put my face into my hands.

i felt calum kneel in front of me and firmly take my hands away.

"don't you ever say that about yourself. you are so much greater than you think." calum spoke firmly.

i shakily nodded as tears continued to pour down my face.

"no more tears sweet girl. you're going to be okay."

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