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we walked downstairs together and i saw luke give a sigh of relief when he saw me.

it was the end of the day for all of them so they were all about to head out.

i walked back into mom's room to see michael standing in the corner and ashton sitting next to mom talking to her.

i stared at mom softly. "i'm sorry." i whispered.

"don't apologize. you have nothing to apologize for. i'm the one that should be apologizing. no matter what we go through together, i just want you healthy baby." mom spoke.

"i want to stop cutting. i want to not rely on something as dangerous as this. i want to get better, if it's even possible." i spoke.

"oh it's definitely possible, it will just require a lot of hard work on your part to make it happen." ashton spoke calmly.

"do you think it's worth it?" i asked.

"recovery is always worth it. you've got all of us in your corner and we aren't going anywhere." michael chimed in.

i nodded in response and sat down on the couch in the room.

"thank you." i whispered.

"why are you sitting down?" luke asked.

"why should i not? i'm tired and i might go to sleep now?" i spoke with a puzzled expression.

"you're coming with us remember?" calum laughed.

"oh shit, that's right. are you sure? i don't want to be a burden and don't really want to be on suicide watch." i spoke.

"no one even mentioned suicide watch." ashton spoke quickly. "of course there's going to be a few rules in place, but nothing too serious."

i looked at him blankly. i began to stand up and immediately slipped on the blanket and fell backwards onto the floor.

"what the fuck." i spoke as i landed on my butt.

i looked up expecting to see them looking concerned, but instead i saw all of them trying not to laugh, even mom.

"it's okay. i give you permission to laugh." i spoke with a tiny smile.

and that's all it took for them to erupt in laughter.

after a couple minutes they calmed down and i hugged mom and said goodbye.

"i'll see you tomorrow okay?" i spoke.

"okay baby. remember you can trust them, they aren't going to hurt you." she whispered.

i nodded and i walked out with them.

we walked to their car and i immediately spoke, "woah you guys have a shiny car and i definitely call shot gun."

luke laughed, "you want us three, cause ashton always drives, to sit in the back when you're the smallest person. that's funny."

i saw ashton give me a tiny glance and unlocked the car door as i ran towards it. i quickly opened the door and sat inside.

"hey! what the." i heard luke shout as he ran after me.

"bella come on. we don't want to sit in the back together." michael complained.

"what can i say, i got here first." i smirked.

i watched as ashton laughed as the three of them squished into the back. i quickly pulled out my phone and took a picture.

"aren't you guys so cute." i chuckled.

"you'll be deleting that later!" calum spoke.

"i'm good." i smiled.

we drove to their house and my jaw dropped.

"holy shit are you guys millionaires or something?" i asked.

"nope! just four very successful doctors." ashton smiled.

i nodded and we all got out and calum took me upstairs to the guest room.

i quickly hopped in the shower and walked downstairs to see all of them sitting there in casual clothing.

"so i do want to discuss some ground rules." ashton spoke quickly.

"one, regarding recovery, i'm going to stay sessions with you every week, 2 times a week. at the house, i would prefer if you were around one of us just for the first couple months to monitor and make sure no slip ups happen. wrist checks will happen every once in a while just to make sure. please don't lie to us because at the end of the day we just want to help." ashton finished.

"house rules, honestly everything we have is yours. so no need to ask to use the restroom or eat." michael smiled.

"please don't sneak out or start parties unless of course we're invited or informed." luke spoke.

"does it look like i have friends to you?" i asked.

"finally, we are here for you. we are in your corner we support you. if you need anyone of us at anytime just come and find us." calum smiled.

i nodded and for once i felt hopeful.

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