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"for the life of you and the other boys can you please leave me be." i spoke angrily.

"bella they just want to help you why do you have to be so ungrateful?" mom spoke calmly.

"wow, who's side are you on?" i spit out.

"obviously there's. i'm so close to locking you up in a hole." mom replied.

"then fucking do it. oh my gosh i'm done with this shit." i mumbled and stormed out of the room.

i was fucking done. i was on my wits end, i didn't want to do this anymore.

the second mom woke up all she does is argue and be a fucking drag on me. i feel like i'm suffocating. i just want to die.

i walked around until i saw a a sign that mentioned going to the roof. i quickly slid inside the passage way and walked up the stairs.

i opened the door and walked over to the ledge. i'm sure the fall would kill me.

i didn't actually want to die, i just wanted to feel like the world wasn't ending.

luke's pov

"jenna, this isn't going to work if you keep treating her like this. the goal is to make bella feel like she belongs and not alone, instead we are pushing her into a small corner and acting like she's an animal." i spoke calmly.

"you don't get it do you? you think i want her doing the shit she does? of course i don't. i just can't deal with it anymore luke. she's 16 years old and has been a pain since she was 12." jenna spoke.

"did you ever consider therapy? she very seriously needed therapy." i replied.

"i couldn't afford it luke. i live with the fucking regret every single day that my daughter is struggling because i couldn't afford her therapy. i think it's too late for that shit now though. i don't think i can save her." she spoke softly.

"the first thing that needs to change is your attitude towards your daughter. she's drowning right now jenna and all you're doing is pushing her head further under water." i spoke firmly. "try to get some rest, i'll go find bella."

i walked out of the room and quickly paged calum.

"hey mate what's up?" he asked.

"bella ran off somewhere because jenna and her got in another argument and i'm scared she's going to do something she's going to regret." i spoke quickly.

i saw alarm cross calum's face. "okay i'll page michael and you page ashton to keep a look out for her." calum spoke calmly.

we both nodded and headed in separate directions.

bella's pov

i sat on the edge with tears streaming down my face. my hand was still bleeding. i grabbed the blade from out of my pocket and whirled it around.

i heard the door open and quickly turned around to see calum standing there.

"hey baby, what's going on?" he spoke as he walked towards me.

"i'm not going to jump don't worry." i spoke softly.

"can we talk from this side of the ledge, that would make me a lot more comfortable." he spoke softly.

"sure." i spoke as i hopped back over the edge.

"why were you even up there?" calum asked as soon as we were sitting down on the roof.

"i said i wasn't going to do it, that doesn't mean i wasn't seriously thinking about doing it." i spoke calmly.

"you know suicide is not the answer." calum spoke firmly.

"maybe, maybe not. i just want to stop feeling like the worlds going to end. i want to stop relying on a habit that is driving me insane. the only thing that saves me from pure insanity is cutting." i whispered as i stared down at my hands still messing with the blade.

i saw calum stare at my hands and suddenly gently grabbed my wrist and took the blade away.

"so what i got from that is you want to get better?" calum asked as he put the blade in his pocket.

"want is too strong, attempt is better."

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