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i was walking down the street with my head sets in when i felt a hand grab my shoulder and i let out a scream.

i obviously scared the person behind me because they screamed and stumbled backwards.

"woah woah! it's just me!" i heard a voice say as i whirled around.

"luke what the fuck! you scared me." i yelled as i held my hand over my heart.

"you scared me!" he spoke as he bent over trying to catch his breath.

"what the hell are you even doing out here right now?" i asked.

"i could ask you the same thing. it's past 10 pm bella. do you know how dangerous it is to be walking around at night right now?" luke spoke firmly.

"my mom asked me to grab her something from the house." i mumbled.

"what was so important that you had to be walking out here?" he spoke seeming annoyed.

"a picture of our family together." i whispered.

luke stood there quietly for a second before he sighed, "at least let me give you a ride there and back."

i nodded and followed him to his car.

once we were sitting down and set the map to my place i turned to luke, "how in the world did you even know i was out here? you left before i left."

"i was in my car when you left and i followed you." he replied.

"stalker. just like calum." i laughed lightly.

"whatever." luke spoke with a dramatic eye roll.

we soon arrived at my house and i went in quickly to grab the picture frame.

i must've been standing there for a while because luke came up behind me.

i looked up at him suddenly and he walked up to me slowly and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"no crying babe." he whispered.

"oh my gosh i'm sorry, i didn't even notice." i laughed awkwardly as i wiped the tears from my face.

"let's get you back to the hospital." luke smiled softly.

luke dropped me off at the hospital and i began walking upstairs when i saw people rushing towards my mom's room.

i quickly ran after them and the scene in front of me made me drop the picture frame.

my mom was standing there with a scalpel held to her neck with the on call doctors surrounding her.

"m-mom?" i whispered.

"oh baby. i'm so sorry. i'm so tired. let me see the picture." she spoke sounding almost drunk.

i lightly picked up the picture and showed it to her from afar.

"how happy we were. now we are fucking broken and ruined and i'm dying." she laughed hysterically.

"m-mom please put it down." i whispered as i walked closer.

"baby my life is fucking over! everything is over! i'm over!" she yelled.

her yells turned into hysterical laughing.

i heard running foot steps and saw all four boys right outside of the door.

"jenna put the scalpel down." luke spoke firmly as he slowly walked forwards.

"it's too late for me." she sobbed as she began to slide the blade across her throat.

everything was moving in slow motion.

luke was lunging at her while calum was grabbing me and putting my head in his chest so i didn't witness my mother killing herself.

"get her out of the room!" luke yelled as he and a couple others doctor surrounded mom.

calum and ashton quickly rushed me out of the room while michael stayed behind to help however he could.

i saw calum and ashton trying to speak to me, but i felt like my fucking world was over.

was mom right?

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