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i followed calum to an exam room where he grabbed alcohol, pressure bandages, and gauze.

"sit." he instructed as i stood in the corner of the room.

"i can do it myself you know? i've done it for 4 years." i mumbled as i sat down on the chair.

"that's true, but i also want to take a closer look to make sure there's no infections." he spoke.

i nodded and slowly stuck out my arm.

calum gently rolled up my sleeves and i saw his pained expression.

"you know i really don't mind doing it myself." i spoke as i went to take my arm back.

calum stopped me, "nope your good love." he whispered.

i felt tears come into my eyes. suddenly the door swung open and in walked michael.

as soon as michael saw i quickly pulled my arm back and rolled my sleeve down.

calum gave me an odd look.

"i don't want to make you uncomfortable." i spoke as i motioned to michael.

he gave me a sympathetic look as he walked over, "need someone next to you?" he asked.

i nodded as i tried to force the tears in my eyes to go away.

he sat next to me and brought me in for a hug.

"you're going to be okay. i promise." he whispered.

i nodded and calum slowly grabbed my arm back and rolled my sleeve up. i felt michael suck in a breath as he looked down at my arm.

"i-i'm sorry." i stuttered.

"don't be sorry to us love. don't be sorry to anyone. you were struggling and didn't have anyone, but we're here now." calum spoke as he grabbed the alcohol and put it on the cuts.

"how in the world are you not in pain?" michael asked trying to lighten the mood.

"i don't feel too much pain in my left forearm anymore. i used to feel a lot but now it's mostly numb." i shrugged into his chest.

"hm, very interesting." michael smiled.

"all done." calum spoke as he stepped back.

i quickly pulled my sleeve down and stood up. "thank you. could i go see my mom now?" i asked.

"of course love." calum smiled lightly.

calum's pov

as soon as she walked off i turned to michael with tears in my own eyes.

"god i see so much of mali in her." i spoke softly.

"i know mate. don't put too much pressure on yourself to save her on your own. you won't be able to. let us help. we can all work to save her." michael replied slowly.

"i thought you weren't good with topics like this?" i chuckled lightly.

"oh no, i am. i just don't like dealing with them because i don't like dealing with the consequences of if it goes too far." michael replied.

"what's different about bella?" i asked as i stood up to walk out of the room.

"you care about her and you're family. therefore, she's family." michael smiled. "don't get me wrong these situations make me cry at night because i feel so bad, but if you're in this to help her so are we." michael spoke as he followed me out.

"last question, why'd you choose to stay?" i asked

"mate she was clearly about to cry because she felt so bad. she needed someone next to her." michael replied as we turned the corner to bella's mom's room.

bella's pov

i walked into the room and saw ashton standing there with luke and mom.

"what's going on?" i asked.

"well, i'm going to be in here for a long time and ashton just told me about what was going on. the depths of what was going on and i don't want you to go to a house where you're alone. i don't feel comfortable as a mother knowing her daughter is struggling with something that could kill her alone in a house." she spoke slowly.

"no. absolutely not." i replied quickly.

"oh come on. we aren't that bad." luke spoke quickly.

"what's going on?" calum asked as he walked in with michael.

"bella is going to be staying with us until jenna gets better." luke spoke.

"no i'm not." i glared.

"not really your choice love. we'll go over some house rules and treatment plans when we arrive later." ashton smiled.

i stared at him in disbelief. this was going to be a long couple months.

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