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we arrived at the hospital and i quickly walked to mom's room.

i opened the door and saw her eating breakfast.

"hey baby!" she smiled as he put her spoon down.

"hey mom." i smiled back as i sat down in the chair next to her bed. "is hospital food really as bad as people say it is?"

"oh yeah." mom spoke with a serious facial expression.

"i can bring you lunch later if you want." i spoke softly.

"pizza?" she spoke.

"pizza." i confirmed.

i saw luke walk in from the corner of my eye.

"hey jenna! how are we feeling today?" he asked as he jotted down some notes.

"a little low on energy, but that's normal right?" mom asked.

luke nodded and listened to her heart.

"is it worse?" mom asked as he stood up.

"not worse, but definitely not better." luke spoke slowly.

i saw tears gather in mom's eyes and quickly held her hand.

"i'm sorry jenna. i know this is hard to hear." luke spoke gently.

"i had to expect it at some point. i knew my heart condition could one day kill me." mom spoke softly.

"i have to go round on other patients, but the other boys will be in to check occasionally." luke smiled as he walked out.

as soon as luke left, mom bursted out in tears.

"no no don't cry mom." i whispered as i held her hand tightly.

"i-i'm just scared bella. i'm scared to feel my heart stop beating." she whispered.

"don't be scared of something that isn't going to happen. you could still get a transplant right?" i spoke firmly.

"maybe bella. i don't know how much of a will i even have to continue living in this world." she muttered.

"no please don't say that. mom please." i spoke with tears in my eyes.

"it's the truth bella. i'm tired. could you go grab the pizza now?" mom asked as she laid down.

i stood up slowly and walked out. why was this so hard?

i walked out of the hospital and down to the near by pizza shop.

"hello! what can i get started for you?" a man asked.

"could i please get one small pepperoni pizza to go." i smiled.

"of course. that will be 10.85." the man replied.

i nodded and handed him 15 then stood over in the corner.

after a couple minutes someone came up to me and handed me a box.

"i saw you come from the hospital and just wanted to say that i hope everything gets better and you come to peace with whatever is going on." he smiled lightly as he walked back.

i felt tears gather in my eyes, but quickly pushed them away.

i walked back to the hospital and up to mom's room to see her sitting up.

"mom? you okay?" i asked as i approached slowly.

"yeah baby, just thinking. oh my god is that pizza?" mom spoke as her eyes immediately lit up.

"yep!" i smiled as i sat next to her and opened the box.

mom grabbed a piece and started eating, "oh my gosh, i missed this." she mumbled.

"i'll bring you lunch or dinner everyday." i smiled as i grabbed a piece myself.

"wow you got pizza and forgot to tell me?" i heard a voice speak from behind me.

i turned around and saw michael standing there looking offended.

"you're welcome to have a piece." mom spoke swiftly.

"i'm just joking." he smiled.

"how are you today?" he asked mom.

"little low on energy, but not too bad." she smiled.

"i'm glad!" he replied.

"could i borrow bella for a second?" michael asked.

i looked up at him, "why?"

"you already forgot?" he laughed.

"forgot what?" i asked.

"you have an appointment with ash today?" he spoke slowly while looking at my confused facial expression.

"um, no one ever told me that." i replied as i stood

"i'll make sure next time they do." michael replied as he dragged me out of the room.

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