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bella's pov

i woke up the next morning and tried to move my legs and felt a huge surge of pain shoot up my body.

"fuck." i mumbled under my breath.

"language." calum replied tiredly as he rolled over.

we spent the night at the hospital and i just slept in his office on the couch while he slept on a tiny bed in his office.

"you're really correcting my language when i'm practically dying." i whined.

"you're not dying princess, here meds." he spoke softly as he walked over and handed me pain meds.

luke knocked on the door and stared up at us nervously.

"what? what's wrong?" calum asked with a tired expression.

"her mom's awake and wants to speak with her." luke spoke softly.

"absolutely not." calum laughed.

"cal come on." luke replied.

"mate, you really think she can take another hit right now?" he spoke with frustration.

"i'll do it." i spoke softly as i went to stand up just to feel a huge spike of pain.

"holy fuck, will that ever go away." i muttered to myself.

"do you want help?" luke asked.

"no! i'm fine." i spoke quickly as i saw him approaching.

i pushed myself up and hobbled over while in great pain.

"i'm not letting this happen unless a guardian is present." calum sighed.

"i'll do it. she's my patient. you go sleep or do some work." luke spoke softly. "you look absolutely terrible."

"thank you." calum mumbled as he laid back down in bed.

luke and i began walking slowly through the hospital before he stopped us.

"can i please pick you up? i can feel your pain from where i'm standing." luke spoke quickly.

i stared at him hesitantly. "gentle." i whispered

"gentle." he confirmed.

i held up my arms and he picked me up bridal style and carried me to my mom's room.

we walked inside the room together where he placed me down on a chair a few feet from my mom's bed.

"why are you still here? leave." mom spoke to luke.

"i can't do that sorry. calum asked me to stay." luke spoke firmly.

mom gave him a glare before turning to me, "hey baby, how've you been?" she asked.

"fine and you?" i replied dryly.

"perfectly great. did you see brad? he came to visit." mom spoke with a smile.

"hate to inform you, but brad's in jail for raping me last night." i spoke firmly.

mom stared at me blankly before she turned to rage.

"are you fucking kidding me? you fucking little bitch." mom laughed.

i stared at her blankly.

"i'm going to kill you." mom yelled as she began to stand up.

luke quickly intervened and stepped in between us.

"i suggest you lay back down before i call security." luke spoke angrily.

"you just can't help it can you bella? you just have to ruin my life because yours is so miserable." mom spoke with tears in her eyes.

"me? ruin your life? do you need proof he did it? watch the fucking CCTV footage." i spoke as i stood up.

"for the record, it hurt like a bitch." i mumbled as i walked away.

luke's pov

"what is wrong with you?" i spoke with pure anger.

"that is your daughter. i don't care if you gave her up, she is your daughter." i spoke softly.

"she ruins my life whether you guys see it or not. she's a curse. i wish i aborted her when i had the chance." jenna spit out.

"at least wait til i'm away from the room before you said you wished i wasn't born." i heard bella's shaky voice whisper.

i turned around to see tears streaming down her face as she turned away and began to slowly walk away.

"that was too far. you won't be speaking to bella for a long time. i'll come back later and check your vitals." i spit as i went to go follow bella.

for someone who was limping and hurt, she could sure walk fast.

i walked back to calum's office in hopes to see her there, but she wasn't.

i quickly ran to ashton's and saw him sitting there looking at files.

"have you seen bella?" i asked quickly.

"no? wasn't she with calum last?" ashton asked as he stood up.

"her mom said some mean shit and now she's gone. i can't find her." i whispered.

"did you tell calum?" ashton asked.

"no, and i don't want to for now. just let him sleep. he's exhausted mate." i sighed.

"let's go find her." ashton agreed before walking off with me.

bella's pov

i sat on the roof of the hospital kicking my legs off of the ledge.

i was tired. i was getting really fucking tired.

"i take it you're having a bad day?" someone spoke.

i turned around and saw michael standing there by the door.

"how the hell did you know i was up here?" i asked.

"well, i was going to go get you for lunch but you weren't with calum and then i heard from luke you were missing and well, here you are." he spoke softly.

"you can go if you want. i just need to think." i muttered.

"preferably on this side of the ledge?"


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