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i hung up on calum after saying that and i laid on the bathroom floor. i didn't care who walked in or how dirty the floor was. i was dirty.

i felt my phone buzzing and looked to see calum calling.

"i'm already at the hospital with ashton. where are you?" he asked.

"bathroom on ICU floor." i replied weakly.

i sat up and quickly sat down on the floor so i didn't look that bad.

a couple minutes later, i saw calum barge into the bathroom. as soon as he saw my condition he quickly crouched down in front of me.

"calum, take a step back." ashton spoke softly as he saw the blood around me.

"go outside and call the police now. she was raped." he spoke quietly while pointing at the blood.

"i'm going to kill- "not helping. call the police." ashton spoke swiftly before approaching me slowly.

"hey pretty girl, are you okay?" ashton spoke softly as he walked up to me.

"i'm dirty." i muttered as i covered up my body.

"no baby, you're not. you're not dirty." he spoke softly as he approached me.

"the cops are on the way." calum spoke quietly as the walked inside.

ashton went to touch me and i immediately flinched and scrambled away.

"please, i'll be good. just don't do it again. it hurt." i cried as i pushed myself into a circle.

"bella, sweet girl, i would never hurt you in any state or form." ashton whispered.

i looked up and saw calum had tears in his eyes.

"don't cry." i whispered as i looked up at calum.

"i'm not baby." he spoke as he wiped his eyes.

"don't lie." i mumbled as i slowly let myself relax a little.

it was just calum.

"i'm going to go contact a female OBGYN to come in. i'll be back." ashton spoke as he stood up.

i watched him leave the room and immediately felt terrible.

"i didn't make him leave right?" i asked as i looked up at calum.

"no baby, of course not." he spoke.

"it hurt so bad." i whispered as calum crouched in front of me.

"i'm sorry i wasn't here to protect you." he spoke with tears in his eyes.

"i couldn't move cal. i was frozen and he just kept going and it hurt so bad." i sobbed.

"i'm so sorry princess." calum whispered.

ashton walked back in slowly.

"the police are here, there's a female who's willing to talk with her. dr. medow's is on the way.

calum nodded and slowly stood up.

"i'll be outside with ashton. we're going to contact luke and michael. a female deputy is going to come in." calum spoke softly.

i nodded as tears streamed down my face.

calum's pov

i exited the bathroom and immediately collapsed onto the chairs. my baby, i was going to kill the fucker that did this to her.

"deep breathes." ashton reminded as he saw my anger flaring.

"i'm so goddamn upset." i spoke quietly.

"i know mate. she's going to be different for a bit after this." ashton sighed.

"i know." i replied.

i pulled out my phone and dialed luke's number.

"hello? is bella okay?" luke asked.

"is michael there?" i asked.

"yep." michael replied.

"she was raped. my baby was raped." i spoke with tears in my eyes.

the line was silent for a moment before michael spoke up, "i'm so sorry mate, is bella okay?" he asked.

"she's being interrogated right now. she was so fucking broken. she was crying while telling me it hurt." i spoke with my head in my hands.

"it's not your fault mate. no one could have stopped this. don't blame yourself. michael and i are heading over now." luke spoke as he hung up the phone.

all i could hope and pray for is whoever did this to my little girl was going to pay.

bella's pov

"hello bella, my name is briana. are you okay?" the female deputy asked as she sat across from me.

"it hurts." i spoke dryly.

"i'm so sorry this has happened. i'll only take up your time for a little bit." briana spoke.

"can you tell me what happened?" she asked.

"brad. his name is brad. he knows my mom who's in the intensive care unit right now for heart failure. he assaulted me before when i was 12. you can check the CCTV footage for the first part, he followed me to the bathroom and held me down and did it. it hurt so bad. i froze. he didn't stop." i whispered as i began to shake.

"okay honey, good job. that's all i needed to know. i'll send your father back in and we'll see what's going to happen next." she spoke sympathetically as she left the bathroom.

calum came in moments later with a female nurse and a wheelchair.

"dr. medow's is here. come on sweetie." calum spoke softly. 

he reached for me and i flinched away slightly. i saw the hurt in his eyes.

the female nurse gently helped me up and i bit my lip to stop myself from crying. it hurt to walk.

calum stayed behind to talk with the deputy as the nurse wheeled me off.

calum's pov

"what's next?" i asked.

"well, we have the man who did it on CCTV footage and he's currently being arrested. she mentioned it's the same man from when she was 12." she spoke slowly.

"i'm going to kill him." i spoke angrily.

"i've worked many cases like these, please be there for her. put your anger second and be there for her because she's about to go through all the stages of rape victims and it's harsh." the deputy spoke as she walked away.

"i'm not going to let her fall mate. she's worked so hard, we can't let her fall." i spoke as i looked at ashton.

"we won't. don't worry."

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