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bella's pov

i walked out of the restroom looking at my phone and bumped into someone. i fell down on the floor.

"oh my gosh i'm so sorry i was staring at my phone." i spoke quickly as i stood up.

"don't apologize!" calum spoke as he helped me back up.

i reached with my arm that was covered in gauze and i immediately saw him catch sight of it. i quickly pulled my arm away as i stood up.

"what's this?" he spoke as he pointed towards my arm.

"nothing. just an undershirt." i muttered as i pulled my sleeves over my hands.

"you do that a lot." he pointed out.

i looked down and saw my hands bunched together. i quickly let go.

"jeez yeah i know. nervous habit." i whispered.

"why you nervous?" he asked.

i quickly scratched the back of my mind for an answer. "my mom. she's in the hospital as you know. i had to preform CPR on her and she never woke up or started breathing." i spoke softly.

"oh yeah, i'm sorry love." he mumbled.

i smiled at him lightly as i walked back to the waiting room with him following behind.

i saw the man who was working on my mom walk out.

"hello, my name is dr. luke hemmings. i see you have met my mates calum and ashton." he smiled softly as he stared at my facial expression. "so, it's good that you did CPR on your mom. i don't think she would have made it if you didn't. i do have some unfortunate news though. she is going into heart failure and if she doesn't receive a heart in the next 2-4 months, i am afraid the chances of her making it drop drastically."

i looked at him with a blank expression and slowly sat down on the chair.

i was going to lose my mom. the only person i felt like i could trust in the world. i sat there for a couple minutes before i mustered a fake smile and said, "o-okay."

"could i go see her?" i asked.

"of course right this way." luke spoke with a concerned look directed at ashton.

i walked behind him with my head held low. if i lost my mom what would happen to me? was i going to have to go to foster care?

we stopped in front of a room and i slowly opened the door. i gasped as i saw my mom lying there with wires sticking from her. she looked pale and clammy.

i felt light headed as i stumbled back, "woah are you okay?" ashton spoke quickly as he caught me.

"i-i'm fine." i stuttered as i moved myself from his arms.

i walked up and sat next to mom and lightly grabbed her hand. i pushed back the tears in my eyes and spoke slowly, "please make it out of this. please wake up i need you."

ashton's pov

the scene in front of me was heart breaking. i softly touched luke on the shoulder and walked him out of the room.

"she's off mate. i don't know what's wrong with her exactly, but somethings off." luke spoke.

"i agree. it's hard to tell because she seems very closed up. walls built that are super high." i spoke softly.

"mate she's so closed up i don't even know why." i heard calum speak as he walked up.

"cal, ash literally just said that." luke said with a laugh.

"great minds think alike." he smiled softly.

we ran into my third mate on the walk to the cafe.

"you guys look like hell." michael smiled.

"oh shut up mickey!" i spoke with a soft shove.

"you guys love me." he smiled.

we all sat down on a table and suddenly an idea hit me, "how about i do counseling sessions with her? once her mom wakes up with consent obviously."

"that's perf- with who?" michael interrupted.

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