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i saw calum printing paper's out and walk over to me slowly.

"so, did ashton explain the situation?" he asked.

"i totally understand if you rather leave this all behind and move in with a different family." calum spoke quickly.

"i want to stay with you guys." i spoke shyly as i looked at the ground.

"s-so i'm going to have a daughter?" calum spoke with a stutter.

"only if you want one." i smiled lightly.

calum smiled as he blinked away tears and pulled me close.

i felt tears come into my own eyes as i hugged him.

as soon as it was over, we looked over at ashton to see him wiping his eyes.

"what? can i not cry?" he laughed as he grabbed a tissue.

i walked over and gave him a tight hug.

first we went to surprise luke.

"oh bella, i'm so sorry. i didn't know she was ever going to say what she did." luke whispered as he hugged me.

"it's okay. i'll be okay." i whispered back.

"so what's going to happen now?" luke asked.

"i don't know, how does bella hood sound?" calum spoke with a puzzled expression.

"well- wait! you're adopting her?" luke spoke as his eyes lit up.

"yeah!" calum smiled.

"oh my! i'm going to be an uncle! congratulations you too! bella hood sounds wonderful." luke smiled as he blinked back tears.

"everyone's crying!" i laughed as i blinked back some of my own.

i was finally feeling truly loved and cared about.

we walked to michael's office. our last victim.

he quickly walked over and gave me a hug.

"i'm sorry babe." he whispered.

"it's okay michael." i sighed as i hugged him back.

"i've been thinking of going by the name bella hood now." i mumbled.

"woah! you already picked a last name? that's cal- i'm going to be an uncle!?" he yelled as he picked me up and spun me around.

"oh calum i'm so happy for you!" michael yelled as he went to go run towards him.

"thanks mate!" calum laughed as he hugged him.

"i'm going to be the favorite uncle." he spoke with a proud smile.

"see, you can't say that." luke chuckled.

"since we all have the day off tomorrow. we'll go to a small court and make it official." calum smiled.

i smiled back. i genuinely felt happy. even though my mom disowned me, i felt happy.

we all got into the car and drove home to the house before all going separate ways.

i walked over to ashton's room and tapped on the door.

"hey babe what's up?" he asked as he set his phone down.

"i don't know if i'm allowed to ask, but how did my mom's psych eval go?" i asked.

"i didn't do it. i couldn't. she was being so incredibly rude and i knew what ever judgement i made would be biased." he spoke softly.

"i'm sorry i had to put you all through my drama with her. sometimes i regret telling you guys about my cutting." i whispered.

"i'm not sorry. i think we all learned something through this experience. we wouldn't have gotten to know you if we never went through this." ashton spoke.

"he's right. we love being here for you. we love being here for anyone. we signed up as doctors because of that reason." calum added as he walked in.

"i wanted to add, just because we adopted you, doesn't mean you can't come talk to any of us. self harm will never truly disappear. the want or the need." ashton spoke slowly.

"then how am i supposed to be it?" i asked.

"well, it won't disappear, but that doesn't mean we can't make the urges less or find other coping habits to do instead. you now have four figures who love you. trust me, we would all rather listen than see you hurt."

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