Depressed boi

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This talks about depression and pizza.

Some times Tommy just gets really depressed Purpled try's his best when this happens.

Purpled walked through the hallway and opened the brown door to their bedroom he was greeted with a pile of blankets on top of the bed. The only other sign of life being a blonde piece of hair poking out of the blankets. Purpled walked over to the blob he saw a phone screen poking out.

"Love." He whispered.
No reply.

Purpled walked back to the door closing it softly and started to the kitchen. He made it to the kitchen. Opening the fridge he found some leftover pizza and a Diet Coke. He set them on the white kitchen island. Then going to the cupboard and grabbed a plate it had little flowers on it. He put the pizza on the flower plate and microwave them. Now opening the pantry he grabbed some of Tommy's favorite candy ( you can choose) he set them on the island.
The microwave beeped and Purpled ran over to take it out. He grabbed the candy and placing them on the plate. He grabbed the plate and the coke.

Walking back to the bedroom he opened the door and sat on the edge of the bed. With the blob in front of him. Then swirling the plate over what he thought was Tommy's head. The blonde immediately sat up he made grabby hands at the plate Purpled responded with giving the plate to him and the Diet Coke to him.

Tommy immediately started eating a small smile appeared on his face. He finished eating and with one last sip of the coke he wiped his face. He started to give grabby hands to Purpled. Purpled moved closer and took Tommy in his arms kissing the dirty blonde hair gently. He lowered their bodies to the bed. Purpled moved some blankets around so the two could sleep. And sleep they did Tommy immediately fell asleep cuddling close to purpled.

✨✨ The End
I hope you enjoyed and make sure you eat drink some water and get a good nights sleep.

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