Just a dream.

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This talks about the nuke ending kinda.
Enjoy loves.

It was a peaceful day the Sun shining high in the blue sky glowing powerfully over the earth below. The calm wind blowing it melody and the grass dancing to the wind. Purpled sat staring off into the sky as the tree besides him moved it's branches gently his purple eyes glowed as puffy clouds came into view.

"There you are, I've been looking for you all morning." a voice came from behind him breaking the peace.

Purpled turned to see Tommy standing there his blonde hair shinning making him look like a model.

"Oh yeah sorry." purpled stammerer as he turned back around.
"What's wrong?" tommy asked.
"Nothing." the shorter answered.

Tommy sat down next to him and pulled purpled close. Purpled sighed as he layed back on Tommy's chest hearing a light heartbeat.

"I had a dream." purpled started trailing off a bit.
"Oh." tommy exclamaed.
"Well more of a nightmare." purpled continued.
Tommy wanted to make a snotty remark but decided not to and let purpled continue.
"You where there you seemed frantic and worried." purpled said.
Now tommy was interested as he layed his head down on purpleds dirty blonde hair.

"You grabbed my hands and said." I'm so sorry but i have to do this please purp go Run and hide in some obsidian or something." then you kissed me and ran towards the prison." he continued.
"And I ran too but soon an explosion came a worrying feeling came over me and I ran towards the explosion. then i woke up." he finished shaking a bit as he remembered.
"Well that was stupid you don't just go running towards an explosion." tommy replied.
"You where in the explosion though." purpled said his voice ravening and tommy could tell it was bothering him.

Tommy sighed as he moved a bit to look at purpled.
"Hey well it was just a dream I'm not planing on any explosions."
"But if that doses happen don't go running in for me." tommy said.
Purpled blushed of embarrassment as he smaked Tommy's arm. Ow tommy exclamaed as purpled moved up to kiss him. Tommy's hand moved to purpleds neck and back as the lips met. The kiss was slow and lovingly.

When they broke the kiss tommy smiled and laughed at the older.
"What are you laughing at." purpled asked.
"You had a dream about me and you were so worried for me." tommy teased.
Purpled rolled his eyes as he laughed to.


Just a dream.....
Just a dream......

Purpled stood looking on at the creator below as tears rolled down his eyes.
"You said it was just a dream." he yelled falling to his knees

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨The End
I hope you enjoyed make sure to drink water and eat a good meal, and get some sleep.
I'm proud of you and I love you!
Bye my loves!♥♥

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