A sister from Santa 2

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Part 2 yay.

The morning sun gleamed with power the clouds woke up from their slumber and starting to move around as the plants and animals awoke including tommy. His blue eyes lit up as he stared at the window Purpleds arms were wrapped around his waist the dirty blonde hair brushing against Tommy's chin.

"Sunset."Tommy asked.

He was greeted with a grunt as Purpled shifted. Tommy looked around the bright blue sky that shoned through the window. Then he too started to move.

"Quit moving sunshine." Purpled said.
"Sunset."Tommy whined.

Tommy turned around to see a very tired purpled it almost made tommy laugh as purpled snuggled into Tommy's chest. Tommy played with purpleds dirty blonde hair until he heard movements in the other room. Shroud.

"Papa.....Dada." A very excited Shroud called from the door frame.

Purpled turned to look at him.

"Hey my cloud." he said before snuggling with tommy again.
"Good morning shroud." Tommy said.

Shroud came boncing up on the bed. He immediately cuddled with tommy as well.

"You two are clingy today." Tommy exclamaed.
"You know we should get up." tommy continued.
"Oh..yeash.. You saidss....thatss...we...makse...cookess.." shroud tried.
"Oh yeah cookies." tommy replied looking over at purpled.

Silence fell in the room as tommy remembered cookies he forgot about the cookies fuck.
"Why don't you go get dressed." purpled finally said.

Then like a Christmas miracle Shroud got up and walked to his room.

"I forgot about the cookies. " Tommy said.
"Shit." purpled replied laying his head down.
"What's wrong with you." Tommy ask.
"I was abandoned as a child." Purpled replied.
"Not that like today." Tommy said.
"I have a headache and I had to deal with you." purpled said.
"The sister."  Tommy remembered.
"You forgot?" Purpled questioned.
"What are we going to do." Tommy ask.
"Calm down."Purpled replied
"Your being loud." he continued.

Tommy sighed. As purpled sat up tommy looked at him. He grabbed some clothes.

"Come on you were the one who promised him cookies." Purpled said.

Tommy sighed at got up dressing himself then walked to the kitchen we're he saw purpled standing on the gray tile while shroud was on the white island. Shroud had a pice of paper and some pencils writing down what purpled was saying purpled was listing of different ingredients.

"Milk." Purpled said.

Shroud started laughing as purpled walked over to see shrouds list.

"Good job my little cloud." he said.

Then tommy walked in he wore his usual but to purpled he was as beautiful as ever he would never tell that to tommy of course.

"Sunset." Tommy whined.
"Yes." purpled asked.
"We have no ingredients for cookies." Tommy said.
"Yeah that's why shroud and I made a list." Purpled replied.

Tommy just stared at him. Purpled rubbed Tommy's arm swiftly to reassure him. Before grabbing shrouds coat and his.

"Don'tss forssgetss lettersss." Shroud said trying so hard.
"We won't." Purpled said.

He elbowed tommy telling him to grab the letter and so he walked of his golden hair shimmering as he walked. Purpled walked over to shroud taking him into his arms and grabbed the list.

"Come on sunshine." Purpled called.
"Coming!" Tommy yelled back.

Tommy came running out the letter in hand and the three walked out the door. They walked through the twisting streets looking for the ingredients.

"Milk." Purpled said his voice trailing off.
"Dada!" Shroud yelled pointing to a letters to santa mail box.
"Go put your letter in there my cloud." Purpled replied.

Shroud went running off standing on his tip toes to reach the box then he slipped the paper inside.
Tommy smiled and tried so very hard to get purpled to hold his hand as shroud can running back. Tommy failed.

✨✨✨Time skip cause I'm lazy and can't think of anything else✨✨✨✨
Tommy opened the light brown door throwing the groceries on the counter purpled walked in with shroud placing him down on the counter as well. Shroud immediately began opening bags so excited even though he knew what was in them. Purpled chuckled as he helped shroud. Tommy was trying to find the recipe for chocolate cookies. Then Purpled wrapped his arms around Tommy's waist.

"It's right there sunshine." Purpled said pointing to the page.
"How...it wasn't there before."" Tommy replied
"I don't think pages can move ." Purpled said.

Tommy wanted to make a fuss but shroud opened the flour and was covered in white flour.

"Cloud." Purpled said walking over.

They both broke into laughter and moved the flour away from shroud. Tommy was still laughing as they grabbed some bowls and started to pour in suger and flour. When purpled pick some flour up and threw it on tommy. Tommy was appalled by this and threw some on him soon all three of them were laughing covered in flour all of their problems gone like the wind.

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨The End.
Hello my loves what did you guys think.
Make sure you eat, drink some water and get a goodnights sleep.
Bye loves♥

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