A sister from Santa 5

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Christmas Eve
The Sun shimmered through the house as the new Day came with alot of noise. Tommy was sitting up in his bed rocking the new baby as purpled got dressed. He walked back into the room in a white shirt and black sweatpants. Moving quietly to tommy.

"What are we going to do with her." purpled asked.
"We could have puffy watch her for today." tommy suggested.
"Hm yeah." purpled replied.

Tommy nodded as he slowly layed the sleeping baby in purpleds arms and walked off with some clothes to get changed. Purpled did really well with the little one tommy was surprised by it. Tommy appeared taking her again and wrapping the girl in her gray blanket tommy kissed her head smiling as he whispered.

"It's alright clementine."

Purpled smiled as he went into shrouds room so he wouldn't know as tommy took the baby to puffy. Purpled and shroud played and drew waiting for tommy. purpled then made breakfast eggs and toast as shroud messed around with something...

"Hey shroud what you got there." purpled asked.

Shroud layed it on the island as he ate purpled inspected the little plant confused. What was it. It had little red Berry's and Green leaves looked like every other plant but it had ribbon attach to it.

"Micheal gave me" shroud trys so hard.
"Huh." purpled replied walking back to the stove.

At that moment tommy walked through the door closing it behind him. Shroud grabbed the plant putting in in his little pocket and running into Tommy's arms. Purpled turned the stove off setting down a plate for tommy and walking to him.

"I have to go." purpled said rubbing shrouds back.

Tommy looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Sunshine I have to." purpled replied.

Tommy looked over as purpled kissed his cheek and fluffed up shrouds hair then walked out the door.  Tommy looked at shroud and sighed.

"Always working." tommy muttered.

Shroud pulled on Tommy's long blonde hair to get his attention. Tommy turned his head to shroud as he held out the little plant.

"That's mistletoe." tommy said surprised.
"Huh..." shroud asked.
"Mistletoe if you hang it above two people they have to kiss." tommy replied.
"It's a stupid tale but..." tommy trailed off as he got an idea.
"It has been awhile since purpled kissed me like really kiss me." tommy said.
"I'm going to need your help ok shroud." tommy asked.

Shroud nodded understanding nothing as tommy set him down on the island.

"Can I use the mistletoe." tommy asked.

Shroud handed him the plant tommy ran off with it to his room. Grabbing some ribbon and a hook he ran back out and to the beautiful tree setting it all up and hanged the mistletoe.

"Now we wait for him to fucking get home." tommy said smiling.

Shroud was playing with his sword as the door opened yet again purpled walked in throwing a bag on the ground.

"Sunset can you come here?" tommy asked.

Purpled walked up the stairs looking at tommy.

"What's up." he replied.
"Come here." tommy asked.

Purpled walked over as tommy held him close he looked up at the plant that hanged from the ceiling.

"Is that the plant shroud had." purpled asked.
"Yeah it's mistletoe." tommy replied.

That's when purpled remembered shit.

"Do you know what mistletoe is?" tommy asked.
"Yeah.. I'm not an idiot." he replied.

Purpled wrapped his arms around Tommy's waist leaning in their foreheads touching.

"Is it ok?" purpled asked.

Tommy nodded as their lips meant in a flash if passion and love made blush appear on both of their faces as purpled leaned down Tommy's arms wrapped around purpled neck as they bent down. Tommy's blonde hair touched the floor as they split.

"Damn." tommy whisper out of breath.

Purpled chuckled as he pulled tommy back up into his arms and layed butterfly kisses on his head. Shroud was shocked to say the least he had never seen his parents kiss before. Tommy's face was red as a coke can.

✨✨✨✨✨✨The End.
What did you guys think. Make sure to eat drink some water and get a good nights sleep.
Bye my loves!♥

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