Blood vines 🌹

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@Bluehastriedtostayup thank you so much for the idea and I hope you enjoy.
Blood, swearing, gore, angst to fluff
This kinda sucks but enjoy.

"Purpled Purpled." Tommy's voice called. though he knew purpled was long gone.

The black night sky was blaring from above stars shimmering down as the moon glowed the dark room only being lit from the glowing red eyes of purpled. He was gone the egg has succeeded. Purpled took a few more steps closer his glowing purple axe slowly getting closer to tommy. Tommy kept moving back being careful not to let down his guard.

"Fuck purpled please listen." Tommy kept trying.

Purpled didn't say anything he raised his axe having it slam down tommy quickly moved his legs stumbling over to the wall. He couldn't escape he was trapped. Purpled picked up his axe from the ground. Tommy was trying to find a way out but he was to late.

Purpled raised his axe and with a powerful slam he aimed at tommy. Lucky Tommy was fast enough his arm protectived his face but that didn't stop the pain.

A scream went out as red hot blood poured out of his arm. Purpled kept it up the axe hitting the harder down smashing the skin and muscle as blood and screams exploding out. Soon white bone could be seen.

Then purpled stopped the axe going back to his side as he walked away. Tommy layed there blood still boring out of a wound that would never heal quite right.

                                                    ✨✨ A few months later✨✨

Tommy layed on his bed trying his best to grab a water bottle from the shelf. The nerves in his arm were totally destroyed by purpled so any time he tried to move his arm burning pain shot through his body the skin had healed kinda a giant scar layed that would never go away. But after the egg pire fell apart purpled wouldn't see tommy which hurt more then the scar tommy didn't know why but he needed purpled.

The wooden door creeked as it opened to a dirty blonde in a purple Hoodie. Tommy smiled at the site of him. The glowing purple eyes looking around not knowing what to do until.

"Come here purpled." Tommy said.

It surprised purpled but he still walked over and sat on the bed.

"Tommy." Purpled tried.
"It's alright we'll talk later." Tommy replied.

Tommy layed his one hand on purpleds shoulder trying to cuddle with him. Purpled realised what he was doing and helped him to his side wrapping his arms around tommy holding him close.

"I'" purpled said.

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨The End

Well that was fun I hope you enjoyed make sure to eat and drink some water and get a good nights sleep.

Bye I love you all!

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