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Soon, we arrived at the dorms. "Why didn't you take me to my house?" I asked. "Felix said to bring you here." Hyunjin replied.

"Oh" I said, grabbing my phone and hopping out the car. As soon as I walked in Felix gave me a huge hug.
"Sorry I couldn't pick you up I got busy last minute." He said.

The other members were trying to hold their laugh. Me and Hyunjins facial expressions screamed frustrated. "It's okay Lixxie." I lied. "Anyways I made some welcome back cookies" He said. My face lit up as I ran to the kitchen.

Hyunjin POV:
Felix turned to follow but I pulled him back. "What's up Hyung?" Felix asked. "Felix you're lying" I said. "Naur I would never." He said. "You could've told me it was going to be that.. thing." I whispered, pointing to Y/N.

"Come on, still mad because she beat you four years ago?" Felix asked with a small smirk. My face heat up in embarrassment. "No I'm not it's just that- whatever." I said, walking in the dorms as he followed.

I grabbed a cookie off of Y/N's plate. "Hey get your own" She said. "Just go get another one." I said. "You're like 6 inches away from the tray!" she groaned.

"And?" I asked. "You literally get another cookie!" She said, clearly frustrated. "You're a foot away from the cookies" I teased. "Whatever just take it I don't care." She said, getting up and getting another cookie.

"Was it that hard?" I asked her. She looked at me with angry eyes and I looked back. Was she trying to intimidate me? 'Cause it was working.

"I want another cookie" I said, keeping eye contact as I grabbed one off her plate. "If you want more so bad let me me shove it down your throat!" She said, snatching the cookie out of my hands.

"Alright alright that's enough. "Hyunjin get your own cookies." Chan said. "She threatened me!" I whined. "I would too if you kept taking my food." Chan replied. I yawned, "Well ima go shower, see ya'."

"See ya" Everyone replied.

Y/N POV: Few hours later
"He's just so obnoxious!" I ranted on and on to Jeongin and Chan. "He's really a good guy once you get to know him." Jeongin said.

"He's probably just teasing." Chan agreed. "Well it's annoying and it gives me a headache!" I groaned, as I checked the time. "I should be heading home" I said. Just then we got a notification from JYP.

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