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Felix POV:
"Hey did Y/N already leave?" I asked. "I think she went outside" Seungmin replied. "Oh" I said, sitting on the couch. "Where's Hyunjin?" I asked. "I don't know but he's in a really good mood." Chan said. I hummed in response.

I got back up and walked to the kitchen. I looked out the window and saw Hyunjin and Y/N sitting by the pool as I stood by the back door.

"He really did that?!" I asked with a chuckle. "Yeah and we made fun of him for weeks!" Hyunjin laughed. "You know you're not that annoying" I said. "Really?" He smirked.

"Yeah you're not that Ba- AHH!" I screamed, as he pushed me in the pool. I dragged him in with me. I came up for air and so did he. "Hey Y/N~" He smiled. I pushed him and he dramatically fell back in the water.

"Hyunjin?" I asked, looking in the water. All of a sudden he picked me up on his shoulders. "I take back what I said you are annoying!" I said, "Now my cloths are wet!"

"Don't you usually swim in shirts and shorts anyways?" He asked, placing me on the edge of the pool. "Yeah. But you're cloths are wet too." I said. He took his shirt off and slicked his hair back. "EW!" I panicked.

He rung out his shirt and threw it on the ground. "You're getting back in Jagiya?" He asked. "Don't call me that" I said. "Come on baby~" He whined. I felt my face heat up. "No" I replied.

He pulled me in the water anyways. "I said no!" I groaned. He put my arms around his shoulders and his hands on my waist. I looked at him. He looked so.. mesmerizing. He moved hair out of my face and kissed my forehead.

I looked up and kissed him. At first he seemed shocked but then he kissed me back. "I'm surprised" He chuckled. I smiled and he kissed me again.

Felix POV:
I stood in shock. Did they just kiss? I realized I was spilling my juice and groaned in frustration. "God Dammit!" I yelled, throwing my cup in the sink. 

I started walking to get a towel and Hyunjin walked in behind me. "Hey Lix!" He said. I ignored him and walked to the laundry room.

He followed behind me and I scoffed. "Why are you following me?" I asked. "I'm getting A towel for Y/N" He said. I handed him a towel, grabbed one for myself, and walked off.

Hyunjin walked back outside and handed me a towel. "Where's yours?" I asked. "I'm going to stay out here a little longer." He replied. "Oh well ima go inside and change okay?" I said.

"Alright Jagi" He replied. I walked inside and saw Felix. "Hey Lix." I said. "Are you and Hyung dating?" He asked. "Wha- where did you get that idea?" I asked.

"I saw you two kiss" He said. My eyes widened as I ran upstairs. He grabbed my arm and pinned me against the wall.

"We aren't dating" I said. "So you just go around kissing each other?" He asked. "It's not like that" I panicked.

"So you're just going around kissing eachother?" He asked. "Lix... I don't even know. I like him but-" He let go of my hands. "You like him? Didn't you guys hate eachother 2 weeks ago?!" He asked.

"Look I have to get my stuff and go home" I replied. "Running away from your problems as always" He mumbled. "Excuse me?" I asked, turning to face him.

"Everytime something goes wrong you leave" He Said. "I don't like liars" I said. "You know I'm right" He said. I scoffed and walked into Hyunjins room. I looked out the window and saw him swimming in the pool.

He looked so majestic... I can't stand him. I grabbed my stuff and walked downstairs. Just then Hyunjin walked in while drying his hair.

"Hey Jagi~" he said. "Hey dumbass" I replied. "That's not nice!" He frowned. "Look at you love birds flirting." Han teased. "Ew." I scoffed, looking at the time. 3:00pm it's the afternoon.

I guess I could go out for coffee. I got in my car and put on my hat and mask. I was so strained and Hyunjin and I haven't even been practicing.

I sighed, and drove off.

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