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[Take deep breaths]

Felix POV:
All I see on my fyp is Hyunjin and Y/N. I must admit, I hate it. Y/N's my best friend, and seeing these lies about her make me mad.

I saw Hyunjin and Y/N walk out of the practice room laughing about something. Her face was all puffy. 'Was she crying?' I thought.

She would usually come to me for comfort, but she stayed with Hyunjin. I'm not jealous, just surprised since they hate each other.

Once Y/N walked out I tapped Hyunjins shoulder. "Hyung" I said. "What's up?" He asked. "Are you and Y/N dating?" I asked. He pretended to gag, "Don't tell me you believe those dumb rumors!"

"You didn't Answer the question" I said. "No we're not dating, we aren't even friends, she's just my dumb dance partner" He scoffed.

Hyunjin POV:
What made him ask all of a sudden anyways? I shrugged it off and went up to my room. I wonder how Y/N is doing. I'm so disappointed in stay and (your fandom name). So rude for no reason. They act like they own us and control our lives.

I plopped on the bed and looked for a movie to watch. Deadpool. It'll only be the 1,000th time I watch it anyways. Halfway through the movie I saw someone calling me.

Call from "Annoying Brat 😒"

Oh it's Y/N.

I grabbed my phone and answered it. "What?" I asked, taking a bite of popcorn. "paparazzi" She mumbled. Why was she calling me for this? I thought she would call Felix. "Why didn't you call Felix?" I asked.

"He didn't answer" she said. I heard people talking and yelling. Okay what am I supposed to do. "Take deep breaths" I said.

"Please back up" I heard her say.

'Are you on the phone with Hyunjin?!"

'Is it true you're dating Hyunjin?!'

'Are you with Hwang Hyunjin?'

"Ignore them take deep breaths" I said.

I walked out of the store as paparazzi crowded around me. When it was 5 people it was fine, but soon more and more people came and it was making me nervous.

I started speed walking away as more and more people came. They were all asking about Hyunjin and yelling insults.

I called Felix so he could calm me down , but he didn't answer. I clicked on the first contact I saw.


I called him in a panic as people started shoving me around. "What?" He said. "Paparazzi" I said, as people took pictures of me.

Why didn't you call Felix?" He asked "He didn't answer" I said. "Take deep breaths" He said.

"Please back up" I said, making my way through the crowd.

'Are you on the phone with Hyunjin?!"

'Is it true you're dating Hyunjin?!'

'Are you with Hwang Hyunjin?'

"Ignore them, take deep breaths" Hyunjin said. Like that's going to help. I took deep breaths.

"Okay now just uh.. run" He said. "Run to your car and lock the doors" Just when he was doing good. That's what I was trying to do.

But I took his advice and took off running. Paparazzi Ran behind me as I opened my car door in a panic.

I locked the doors as people banged on my windows and surrounded my car. I caught my breath and started my car.

"You good?" He asked. "Yeah" I replied. "Okay bye" He said. "Wait" I stopped him. "Hm?" He hummed. "Thanks" I said.

There was a pause, as if he was thinking what to say. "Your welcome Jagiya (Honey/baby)" He said, hanging up. I sat there, shocked. What did he just call me?! I noticed most of the paparazzi had left, so I started driving.

'Your welcome Jagiya"

Was he saying that to mess with me? Ugh he's so annoying. He said it so casually I couldn't tell if it was a joke or not. He's getting in my head.

Felix POV:
"Hyunjin, come down here" I said. Hyunjin came jogging down the stairs and leaned on the wall. "What's up Lix?" He asked. "So are you and Y/N friends now?" I asked.

"Why do you keep asking about that brat? Are you jealous or something?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "No I'm not jealous, I just heard you two on the phone" I said. "Well we're dance partners, so of course we have to talk" Hyunjin said.

"Sounded like she was having a panic attack. She usually calls me for that" I said, kind of frustrated. "Sounds like you're jealous" He mumbled. "I'm not jealous!" I said, kind of loud.

"Then why are you so concerned about me talking to Y/N?" Hyunjin asked. "I just asked a question and you said I was jealous" I said.

"Oh my god because you are. No need to deny it. If you want the brat, you can have her." Hyunjin said, clearly frustrated.

"I'm not denying anything" I said. "Okay look, she called me okay. She was having a panic attack. She said she called you but your dumbass didn't answer" Hyunjin said

"Who are you calling Dumbass?" I asked. "Well you're the only person here aren't you?" Hyunjin said. Chan came walking down the stairs. "What are you two arguing about now?" He asked.

"It's nothing Felix is just jealous" Hyunjin said. "I'm not jealous!" I said, for the 1,000th time. "Lies. Ever since the rumors you've been so worried about your little princess" Hyunjin said. I scoffed and walked up stairs.

Hyunjin POV
I side eyed him as he walked upstairs. He was obviously jealous. But it's not my fault that he didn't answer the phone for her in the first place.

"What wrong with Felix?" Chan asked. "He's jealous" I said, grabbing the milk out of the fridge. "Of you and Y/N?" Chan asked confused. "Yeah, there's nothing to be jealous of though" I said, pouring some cereal.

"You don't pour the milk first?" Chan asked. "No. Who the fuck does that" I said, raising an eyebrow. "Me" Chan said. "Stay away from me"

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