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[Enemies with benefits]

"Here's you're gift Lixxie" I smiled, handing Felix a gift bag. "You didn't have too." He smiled. I just shrugged and ruffled his hair.

I walked in the practice room and saw Hyunjin sitting down. "Hey loser." I said. "Hey." He smiled. "You down to practice?" I asked.

Hyunjin looked up from his phone then looked at me up and down. "Is that Han's jacket?" He asked. "Yeah it was kinda cold so he let me wear it" I replied.

"Oh" He said. I took the jacket off and folded it on the couch, "Come on let's practice" He sighed and got up. "What song?"

"Up to you" I replied. Hyunjin grinned. "Why don't we just.. have a sleepover?" He asked. "Like with pillow forts and stuff?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah" He replied, fiddling with his hair. "Yeah that would be fun!" I replied. "I don't have cloths though" "You can borrow mine" He said. He totally planned this ahead. I smiled a little. "Okay sounds good!"

We walked up the stairs and to his room. I was surprised to see how clean and organized everything was. There were drawings and paintings everywhere.

"You made these?" I asked. "Yup. I'm amazing right" He smirked. "Meh" I shrugged. "You can shower first" He said. "I'll just use Felix's" I said. He rolled his eyes, "Okay then"

I walked to Felix's room and knocked on the door. "Hey Y/N what's up?" He asked. "Can I use your shower?" I asked. "Of course" He replied. I walked to the bathroom next to his room.

Hyunjin POV:
I turned on the shower and sighed. Y/N hasn't hung out with me for 2 days. I'm so used to her bugging me All the time.

I stepped in the shower and grabbed the shampoo. It was Han's but who cares. I washed my hair, my face then bathed. I got out of the shower and put a towel around my waist. I grabbed some oil and put it all over my hair.

I turned on the blow dryer and played some music.

"Thanks for letting me use your shower lixxie" I smiled. "No problem. Are those Hyunjins cloths?" Felix asked. "Oh yeah he let me wear them" I said walking out. I knocked on Hyunjins door and heard him singing.

How does this idiot have more talent than me? I'm literally amazing, iconic, legendary. "You are the cause of my Euphoria" He sang. Woah I was Impressed. Way better than when I sang it.

"HYUNJIN!" I yelled, knocking on the door. "UGH What Dumbass?!" He groaned, opening the door in a towel. "AHH!" I screamed, looking the other way.

"What do you want" He sighed. "To build a fort. And you invited me to sleepover." I replied. "Oh right." He said. His bathroom was connected to his room so I had to deal with his dumb singing until he came out of the bathroom.

"LETS BUILD A FORT!" I said excitedly. He chuckled and grabbed a bunch of pillows. "We need cover-" He threw some cover at me. I threw a pillow at him and He threw one back.

"You wanna play that game?" I asked, raising a brow. "Bring it on Jagiya" He said. I hated when he called me that. "Asshole!" I said, throwing more pillows at him.

The pillow fight had turned into a war, and He was clearly winning. Before I could throw another pillow he grabbed my arms.

"That's cheating!" I said. He pinned me down the ground and I felt my face heat up. "Y-you said no more teasing" I said.

"You said it was fine remember Jagiya?" He replied. "You can't use that against me!" I said. He got close to my ear and whispered, "Wanna make out?"

I kneed him in the stomach. He groaned and fell out on the floor dramatically. "That caught me off guard" I said, blushing like crazy.

"Why are your knees so pointy?!" He asked. "You're just sensitive" I rolled my eyes. "Now let's start this fort!"

Time skip
Hyunjin and I sat in the fort watching K-drama's and I must admit, he wasn't that bad. He's a decent human I guess.

I yawned. I was starting to get tired. "Aw is Y/N sleepy?" He asked. "No" I lied. "Let's see who can stay up the longest then" He said. "Bet" I replied.

It took everything in me to stay awake. About 15 minutes passed and looked over to see Hyunjin sleeping. Ha he lost to me! Again!

I quietly got up but he pulled me back down. "Let's cuddle" He said. "Are you messing with me?" I asked. "I'm serious" He replied, pulling me closer.

I was a blushing mess. I didn't know if he was teasing me or not and it bothered me. I sighed and closed my eyes, eventually falling asleep in his arms.

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