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════════════ ⋆★⋆ ════════════[I think we need to break up]

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[I think we need to break up]

Once we arrived at the airport Hyunjin immediately ran to get my bags for me. "I could've done it myself" I said. "I know but I want to make things easy for you Jagiya~" He replied.

I smiled and saw Felix walking over. "You left your charger" He said, handing it to me. "Oh yeah thanks Lix-" "Thanks, now leave" Hyunjin said, snatching the charger out of Felix's hand and pulling me away.

"You can't avoid him forever. And he's my best friend, I obviously want to talk to him I-" "He's not your best friend. He likes you, hes trying to win you over Y/N! He's a bad person now."

"You need to get over it" I said. "He posted that video and-" "He wouldn't have had a video to post if you never bullied me in the first place" I added.

"Okay You two come on stop arguing" Chan said. "Then Y/N needs to stop being so damn annoying" Hyunjin mumbled. I grabbed my stuff and walked away.

I needed to get away from him, he's getting on my nerves. I can't be friends with anyone, he always gets jealous and I hate it. The rest of the members were far behind me trying to catch up.

"I'm so annoying blah blah jealous ass-" "KIM Y/N!" A girl yelled. 'Oh no no no' "BOO" "AH" I screamed, hitting the person behind me.

"Sorry Chan" I said, as Fans ran over. Chan stood by me as we walked through the large crown telling people to move out of the way.

"Please move" Chan groaned, as he motioned for people to move out of the way. "Give me your things and you can just walk ahead" Chan said.

"It's okay-" "BITCH MOVE!" A girl yelled, pushing me on to the floor. People crowded around me and I didn't see Chan or the members anywhere.

I saw Hyunjin Walk right passed me. He stared at me and didn't offer to help me up or anything. "Get up" He said, walking away.

"Kim Y/N are you and Hyunjin really dating" "Are you cheating on Hyunjin" "I HATE KIM Y/N" I couldn't even get up because there were to many people.

"Hey hey come on guys move" Lee Know said. Some people backed off and I was able to get up and run. I bumped right into Hyunjin. I scoffed.

"What did I do now?" He groaned. I just walked away. "Did you and Hyunjin get into another argument?" Lee Know asked, as I stood next to him.

I nodded. "You two, need to take a break, break up, or something." He said. "What? Why?" I asked. "You two are really toxic for each other" He replied.

"He's the toxic one not me. I gave him another chance but this time I'm done" I said, grabbing my stuff as they told us to board the plane.

I saw Hyunjin was already sitting down listening to music and drawing. "Can you move over Hyun?" I asked. "Why?" He replied. I stepped over him and put my bags away.

"Ow! What are you doing?!" He asked. "I told you to move" I said. "But I didn't want to!" He replied. "That's on You, you made the stupid choice to stay still" I said. "You couldn't have waited?" He asked.

"It would've taken you 3 seconds to move, you're the one being complicated" I groaned. "So I'm being complicated?" He asked. "Yes!" I replied. "You are" he said. "How am I-"

"Come on Y/N let's swap seats. Come on, come on" Lee Know said. I sighed and sat next to Han. "Yo Y/N I thought you were sitting with Jinnie-" "Don't talk about him" I scoffed.

"What happened now?" He asked. "He's just being bitchy" I said. Hyunjin was 2 rows away. "Oh i am?" Hyunjin asked. "You heard me" I replied.

"Say it again" He demanded. "You don't tell me what to do" I said. "take your shit" He said, throwing my stuff at me. "Don't throw stuff at me" I said. "You don't tell me what to do" He mocked.

"Burn in hell" I said. "I hope you blow up into smithereens" He mumbled. "Speak up" I demanded. "Stop being so annoying" He said. "You started it-"

"You two this is childish. More people are going to be boarding the plane you two need to chill out" Chan said. "Yeah Y/N just let it go" Changbin added.

"Why aren't y'all saying anything to him?! Ugh fine whatever" I groaned, looking out the window. I heard Hyunjin laugh and I was going to say something but Han shushed me,

"He's knows it's annoying you so he'll keep doing it" I sighed and put on my headphones. Luckily no one but the members witnessed me and Hyunjin's dumb argument.

I guess I fell asleep because when I woke up Han was shaking me. "We landed, also I have a funny picture of you sleeping" He said, showing a picture of me drooling.

"Delete it Han" I said. "It's my wallpaper" He laughed. "Why would you do that?" I asked, trying to keep a straight face. "You were knocked out" He laughed, handing me my bags.

TIME SKIP: Hotel room
I walked in the room and saw Hyunjin watching tv. I took my things to the room and sat on the other side of the room. "So now I'm getting the silent treatment?" He asked.

"I just don't want to talk to you after how disrespectful you've been today" I replied. "About that, I'm sorry I was just really stressed out jagiya" He said.

"That's your apology?" I asked. "Yeah, and I mean it. I love you" He replied. "... Hyunjin look I love you too but.." "But?" He asked.

"We need to break up"

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