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[Happy birthday Hannie]

Hyunjin POV:
Even though Y/N is annoying, she's a really good person. Do I have a tiny little teeny crush on her? Obviously. I hate to admit it, but I've liked her for a while. Since 2018 to be exact, that was the first time I met her.

I don't know why I was such a asshole to her. "Hey Binnie where's Lix?" I asked. "In his room. He seems like he's in a bad mood though" Changbin replied.

I nodded and walked upstairs. "Hey Feeelix~" I said. "What?" He asked. I sat next to him as he scrolled on his phone. "I just want to say sorry about earlier" I said.

"It's okay" He replied, putting his phone down. "It was very out of pocket" I chuckled. "I shouldn't have gotten mad like that" He said. I ruffled his hair and walked out. I'm glad that's solved.

I walked to the practice room and turned on some music. 'Twice? Nah. Sneakers? No. Euphoria'


*knock knock*

"Who is it and what do you want?" I groaned. "Oh okay I'll leave" It was Y/N. "My deepest apologies Jagiya come on in" I said opening the door.

She rolled her eyes and walked in. "I thought you weren't coming today" I said. "I came to give Han some birthday cupcakes" She said.

"OMG THEY LOOK LIKE QUOKKA!" He yelled excitedly. "Thank you Y/N!" He said, Giving her a huge hug.

"No problem Hannie!" She said, smiling. Han looked at me and I furrowed my eyebrows.

Then he smirked. "Hey Y/N how about we go out somewhere" He said. "Where?" She asked. "Just downtown or something" He said.

"I'll buy you whatever!" She said. Han's face lit up and Y/N smiled, giving him a High-five.

"Don't you both hate crowded places?" I asked. "Yeah? And?" Han said. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever have fun" I said, closing the door.

Hyunjin seemed really mad, but he always is so. "I'll drive" Han said. "No it's your birthday I'll drive" I said.

"You won't run into another lamp post right?" He teased. "Don't speak of that" I said sternly. He chuckled and we got into the car.

Once we arrived downtown we saw it was really crowded. We put our mask and hats on and nodded.

We got out of the car and walked down the crowded sidewalk. "Anywhere specific you wanna go?" I asked.

"Let's get some cheesecake and go the movies!" He said. "Omg yes!" I said excitedly. We skipped to the movie theater.

"Can we rent a separate room? With no people?" Han asked. "What movie do you want to see?" The employee asked.

Han and I looked at eachother and back at the Employee.

Time skip
"AH!" I screamed, almost dropping my cheesecake. "You're scared of IT?" He laughed. "Why this movie?!" I asked.

"Cause it's my birthday bestie" He said, nudging me. "I feel like you'll use that excuse a lot" I said.

And of course... He did.

I saw him stare at a giant squish mellow. "You want it?" I asked. "Nope! Be right back though" He said, running in the store.

I just stood outside confused. Then he ran out with the squish mellow in his hand. He handed it to me.

"No it's you're birthday not mine" He said. "Have it" He said. "No you" I said. "No you Y/Niee" He insisted.

I grabbed the squish mellow and smiled. This was the most fun I've had in a while.

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