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════════════ ⋆★⋆ ════════════[Finesse]

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"So about the song," I said, as we walked to the recording studio. "What kind of vibe are you going for?" Minho asked. "I don't know, maybe a happy upbeat vibe" I replied.

"Happy... upbeat. Hm" Minho hummed, as we walked into the recording studio. He grabbed a journal out of his bag.


"Is that Han's?" I asked. "Oh uhm yeah he lets me use it sometimes" He said. "So lets see... happy... upbeat..." He muttered, sitting in a chair.

He started looking through Han's journal. "How about Finesse? You know that song I danced to?" He asked. "Oh yeah thats perfect" I said, "I'll help with the second song!"

Lee know POV:
I saw Y/N grab a small journal out of her bag. She started flipping through the book, furrowing her eyebrows.

"No... meh... hmmm" She mumbled. She looked so focused. Suddenly her phone went off. She completely ignored it.

Then it rung again, and again. "You might want to answer that" I said. "Its Hyunjin" She replied. "So you're just going to ignore him forever?" I asked.

"I'll talk to him when I feel like-" Her phone rung again. She sighed, "hold on be right back"


Oh. "Hey Jisung whats up?" I asked. "Hyunjin got hurt" He said. I felt my heart stop. "Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"He told me to call you. Oh he's hurt pretty bad Y/N" He said. "What happened?" I asked, leaning against the wall.

"Well, you know his hand? Well we were dancing and he fell on it and hurt it even worse!" He said. I sighed. I hated how much I cared.

"Okay just put some ice on it and wrap it up, make sure he rests for a while okay?" I said. "Okay okay thank you!" He said, hanging up.

I buried my face in my hands. Why would he tell Jisung to call me? He hates me. There's nothing I can do. What I'm mad about, is the fact that I care.

I sighed and walked back in the studio. "Was it Hyunjin?" Minho asked. "It was Han calling about Hyunjin" I replied. "What happened?" He asked. "He hurt his hand so I told Han to put some Ice on it" I replied.

Lee Know POV:
I noticed Y/N's leg bouncing. 'She seems worried' I thought. Usually if Han was nervous, I'd slap his butt, but I can't do that to Y/N.

"Oh." I said. "Anyways, we need to think of a second song" She said. "Ah yeah" I replied, nodding my head. "How about 'CHILL'?" She asked.

"The song Han wrote?" I asked. "I mean yeah its catchy! Then again though its more of a chill song" She said.

"Well if you're going for something energetic we can do Super board" I replied. "Meh.. maybe... Boy with Luv" She said. "Oooh yeah thats a good one" I replied. "You think?" She asked.

"Yeah, you have really good music taste! Thats probably why all of your songs are so good!" I said. "You like my songs?" She asked. "Yeah you're a literal genius! You're so creative!" I replied.

I saw her ears turn red from embarrassment. "Thanks no ones really complimented my songs except for my fans and... Felix" She said. "Oh really?" I asked. "Yeah" She replied.

"Why don't we do one of your songs?" I asked. "Oh god please no I'd rather do anything else" She said. "You don't like your own songs?" I asked.

"I mean no, I just write random stuff down and then Chan will help me finish or whatever" She replied. "Well I can help you write a song" I said.

"You can?" She asked. "I mean yeah it's quite easy" I replied. "Okay lets do it then!" She said, eagerly.

Hyunjin POV:
"You really need to rest, like Y/N said" Han sighed, as I stretched. "Yeah but we only have 1 month to practice, i don't want to mess up like you" I said.

"Hey, hey, hey, I don't forget the dances! And everyone has to take a break every once and a while" He replied. "Not me" I replied.

Han frowned, "Well ima head to the studio and uh... finish everything hat needs to be done" "Okay" I replied.

Han walked out and I sighed. My hand really hurt. Y/N's advice did help, im just sad she's ignoring me. Oh why am I so fucking stupid?

"I hate you!" I yelled. I covered my mouth immediately as I saw her start to cry. Minho barged in and immediately comforted her, and told told me to leave.

No Matter how many times I tried to apologize she never text back or called back and it was driving me crazy. I sat at the edge of my bed, burying my face in my hands. Letting tears flow all over again.

I messed up really really really bad. Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. 'Y/N?' I instantly thought.

"Come in" I said, wiping my face. I saw Chan walk in, staring at me. "First Felix and now you too?" He asked, sitting next to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "You two are both crying over Y/N. I wasn't shocked about Felix but you, I was NOT expecting" Chan chuckled.

I groaned in frustration and his smiled dropped. "Im going to tell you exactly what I told Felix, she's going to talk to you guys eventually. I'll even talk her in to it" Chan said, patting my back.

"Why is Felix sad?" I asked, "Didn't Y/N kiss him?" "I think you're actually dumb. Felix kissed Y/N. Unless you have some tea" Chan said.

'So Y/N wasn't lying' I thought.

Hyunjin POV: Present
From what I know, Chan still hasn't talked to her. And if he did, Y/N clearly doesn't want to talk to me. Why am I such an idiot.

I grabbed my phone and sat down.

Drama Llama🦙:
Hey Jagi... thank you so much
For giving Hannie advice on how to
Help me! Im so sorry, again.
Please text back...

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