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"Hey guys!" I smiled, as I walked in the dorms. "Hey Y/N" Han smiled. "Where's Hyunjin?" I asked. "Ah he's not feeling so good" Changbin said.

"He's sick? So suddenly?" I asked, confused. "Yeah he woke up with a fever and runny nose" Chan replied, biting into a protein bar.

"Anyways we're going to go practice in the JYP practice room!" Lee know said, grabbing the keys. "I'm driving right?" Changbin asked.

All of their eyes widened. "No no no it's good it's okay Uh... Chan will drive the other car!" Seungmin said. Jeongin nodded his vigorously.

"So you guys are leaving? I just got here!" I said. "You can take care of your boyfriend" Han said. "He's not my- ugh just go." I groaned. Han and Lee know snickered as they all left.

I walked upstairs and knocked on Hyunjins door. "Go away!" He groaned. "Oh okay." I said. All of a sudden the door opened. "Oh hey Jagi" He said, slicking his hair back.

His eyes were puffy and his nose was all red. "Aw you look terrible." I said. He covered his face with his sleeve and sneezed. "Maybe we shouldn't practice-"

"No no I can practice!" He replied. "I mean you're sick, and also your hand is literally still wrapped up" I said. "My hand? Ah my hand is fine it's fine let's go practice!" He said, walking out.

"No you need to rest" I informed him, pushing him back in the room. He frowned, "Stop worrying about me Jagiya." He said, sneezing into his sleeve again. "I'm okay!"

"Nope! I'm going to take care of you!" I said, putting my hand on his forehead. "Wow you're burning up!" I said. I grabbed a mask from my pocket and put it on. I'm not about to get sick too. "I'm going to get you a cold towel!" I said, dashing downstairs.

Hyunjin POV:
She ran downstairs and I plopped on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I felt like absolute shit but I didn't want to admit it. "Okay I'm back!" She said, putting the towel on my forehead.

"I don't need it" I whined. She handed me some medicine too. "Drink it." She demanded. "No" I pouted. "If you don't get better I can't give you a kiss." She said.

My eyes widened as I drank the medicine. "Ew it's gross!" I whined. She frowned, "Stop whining" "I'm not whining!" I said. "Yeah you are" She replied. I groaned.

"What's wrong now?" She asked. "I feel worse than before" I said, burying my head into a pillow. "Aw it's okay baby." She said. I looked up to see her covering her mouth. "What'd you say?" I asked.

She shook her head and waved her hands in front of her. "Ah I don't know!" She said. I could feel my face turn red, and it wasn't from the fever.

"B-baby?" I asked, flustered. "No no I- uh- NO!" She groaned. "No you called me Baby!" I smiled. She threw a shoe at me and I groaned in pain, "I think you broke my nose!"

"Good!" She replied. "It's not my fault you're in love with me!" I said. "Yeah it is!" She said. "So you admit it?" I asked.

"So you admit it?" He asked. I felt my face heat up instantly and I sighed. "Yeah" I replied. He grabbed my chin and looked into my eyes.

"I wish I could kiss you right now" He sniffled. I moved his hand and put the towel back on his head. "Y-you need to rest.." I said.

He frowned. "Can we cuddle?" He asked. He eyes sparkled as he stared at me. "Sure" I smiled. He held his arms out and pulled me on his chest.

Felix POV: Time skip
I got home before everyone else since me and Nayeon finished the Demo for 'POP'. I walked in and it was silent. 'Did Y/N leave?' I thought, as I went downstairs.

I knocked on Hyunjin's door, "Oi Hyunjin? You alive Bro?" No reply. I noticed that the door was unlocked so I opened it. I saw Him and Y/N asleep... cuddling.

I closed the door quietly and walked to my room, with teary eyes. I don't understand Why I'm upset, I know they like each other.

It just still hurts.

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