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Y/N POV: next day
"What do you mean we cuddled?!" I asked. "You we're sleeping on his chest and his head was rested on top of your head!" Han replied.

"Yeah then when he woke up he moved and woke you up so you could go home!" Seungmin added. "I can't come over today that's so embarrassing" I said.

"Didn't you two kiss before?" Jeongin asked. I felt my face heat up and I hung up the phone. I buried my face in my pillow. We both admitted we liked each other so why am I still flustered?

I put on some Black shorts, a sports bra, a hoodie, a baseball cap, and grabbed a face mask and my keys. We have a month left to finish practicing, and we've technically done all the basics, we just need to keep practicing.

Time skip:
"Hey guys!" I said, heading towards the stairs. "It's just me." Felix chuckled. "Oh Hey Lix!" I said excitedly, "Where's Hyunjin?"

His smile instantly faded. "He's in the practice room, ima bout to head out." He said. I nodded and walked to the practice room. I opened the door to see him jump in fear.

"You don't know how to knock princess?" He asked. He took out his headphones and paused his music. "What were you doing?" I asked. "Well you know that song Me, Felix, and Lee know made?" He asked. "Yeah taste?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm just practicing because we have to preform at the show" He said. "Wow so you have to preform 3 songs?" I asked.

"Yeah so does Felix and Lee know" He added. "That must suck" I said. "Meh it's not that bad" He shrugged. I hummed in response and sat on the couch.

He came and sat next to be scrolling on his phone. "What do you want to do today?" He asked, putting his hand on my thigh while still staring at his phone.

"I don't know just practice, hang out or whatever" I replied. "We do that everyday" He said. "I mean is that a problem?" I asked, confused. "No" He replied.

"Okay then what do you wanna do?" I asked, standing up and putting my hands on my hips.

He stood up and pushed me, pinning me against the wall. I felt my face heat up. "Wanna make out?" He asked.

"Not in here" I replied, flustered. "So my room?" He whispered. I looked at him and a smirk spread across his face.


Hyunjin POV:
Y/N had fallen asleep on my chest. I fixed her messy hair and smiled. Just then I heard someone knock on my door and I groaned as I got up and put on some shorts.

"What?" I asked, as Felix stood at my door. "Come here I need to ask you something" He said. I sighed and walked out, slicking my hair back.

"Are you and Y/N together?" He asked. "Nope" I replied, turning around. "But I saw you two cuddling" He said. I froze, "I was sick she just fell asleep I-"

"I doubt she just fell asleep laying on your chest" He said, raising an eyebrow. "What Me and Y/N do is none of your damn business" I said, frustrated. "Ever since you and her started talking, it's like she's been avoiding me! Do you know how much that hurts?" He asked.

"Then why don't you talk to her about it?!" I asked. "I try but then I get all nervous! And then you get in the way and she's all happy, she's not like that with me!" Felix said. "Why are you so fucking upset?! It's not my fault she likes me, and not you! It's not my fault she doesn't see you that way!" I groaned.

"..." Felix just stared at me, "...I-I'll talk to her". I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. Then he walked downstairs.

Next Day: Felix POV 6:00pm
I waited outside the practice room for Y/N, scrolling on my phone. I heard the door open and saw her walking out with Hyunjin, laughing.

Hyunjin looked at me. "Ah Y/N, I'm really tired so ima head to bed 'kay?" He said, still staring at me. "Oh okay" She replied smiling. Just as she was about to walk out I grabbed her arm.

"Y/N we need to talk..."

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