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"Hey guys" I said waking in the dorms. "Hey Y/N" Jeongin replied. "Where's Hyunjin?" I asked. "He's in his room he should be ready in a minute." Minho replied.

"You look nice are y'all going on a date?" Han asked. "We have to practice" I replied. "Ready to go?" Chan asked. "Yes!" Seungmin said excitedly.

"Where are y'all going?" I asked. "To the fair." Chan replied. "Don't leave me with that moron alone" I groaned. "Sorry Y/N, Felix said you didn't want to come. When he found out Hyunjin wasn't going he tried to text you but tickets sold out" Jeongin said.

"Put me in a bookbag if you have too!" I said. "Sorry Y/N" Han said, patting my head. Then they left. Hyunjin came jogging downstairs. "You look nice Jagiya" He said.

"I'm wearing sweatpants and a crop top" I said, rolling my eyes.  "You look good in anything though." He smirked. I scoffed and unlocked the practice room.

"What dance do you want to practice Baby?" He asked. "Don't call me that. And since we learned Fever, we should practice some more." I said. "Okay" He nodded, connecting his phone to the speaker.

"Hey Y/N," He said "What?" I replied. "Do you want to go on a date later?" He asked, while searching up the song. I felt my face heat up. "Who's paying?" I asked. "Well me obviously since I offered." He smiled, playing the song. "Come on" He said.

Time skip
After we finished practicing it was 4:00pm. "Where are we going to eat?" I asked. "It's a surprise" He said. "Then what do I wear?" I asked. "A dress." He said. "What kind of dress?" I asked. "There's different kinds?" He asked.

"You know what I have the perfect dress it's okay" I said. "I'm surprised you agreed to a date" He smiled. "I agreed because-" "Hey Hyunjin... Y/N." Felix said walking in. "Hey" I replied.

"What's up with you two?" Hyunjin asked. "It's nothing, when are we leaving?" I asked. "I guess 6:00 since we have to be there by 6:30" He replied.

"Where are you two going?" Felix asked, as Nayeon walked in. "On a date" Hyunjin replied. Nayeon dropped her smoothie. "I KNEW IT!" She said. "I told you they were going to be together!" Seungmin cheered.

"Where did you even come from Seungmin?" I asked. "Shh Y/N that doesn't matter" He said, dragging Hyunjin out. I was so confused. I heard Nayeon talking on the phone. "Yeah I know right? Yeah I'll bring her." She said, hanging up.

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