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[Come here]
!!Warning: Death threats!!

After I got dressed, Hyunjin and I went to the practice room. We still haven't came up with our second song.

"Hey Hyunjin" I said. "What's up?" He asked. "What will our second song be?" I asked. "I've suggested red lights multiple times." He smirked.

"And I've said no multiple times" I rolled my eyes. "Why not Y/Nieee~?" He whined. "Don't call me that..." I said, feeling my face heat up. "You don't like it Y/Nieee~" He asked. "No" I groaned.

"We can do.. Backdoor" He said. "What is up with you and these songs?" He said. "We're only talking about Backdoors in the song" He said.

"Yeah and drive is about driving" I said sarcastically. "It's not?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. He's not slow.

We arrived at the practice room. "I already learned fever choreography" Hyunjin said confidently. "So we're not changing it up?" I asked. "We could of you want" He said. "Okay then lets do it!" I said.

"So we can either sit back to back or stand back to back" He said. "Sitting, standing is to much work" I said.

"Okay lazy" He said. "So after that we have to jump up so-" "oh standing it is" I said. "You stand in front of me though" He said.

"And? Your point?" I asked. I heard him chuckle under his breath. "You stand right here" He said, pulling me towards his chest.

He turned me around to face forward. "See you're really good at standing" He said. "You're annoying." I scoffed. "I didn't even do anything yet!" He said.

'Yet?' I thought. I groaned in frustration. "So at the beginning I have to be on the ground kind of pushing you up. I'll be covering your eyes" He said.

"I feel like you're doing this to mess with me" I said. "Is it working?" He asked. "I- no- you're annoying" I said. "Awe look Y/N is all flustered~" He said. "Get away" I groaned as I stretched. "Okay fine" He said, rolling his eyes.

"I should go live." He said suddenly. "We can't spoil our performance." I sighed. "Don't worry I'll just warm up." He said. "Whats your definition of warming up?!" I asked. "Dances like hm.. Backdoor!" He said.

"If that's a warm up what's your actual dancing" I asked. He just shrugged and started adjusted his phone. I went to the other side of the practice room to get out of cameras view.

"Hello stay!" He said, smiling. "I'm only going to be live for a little bit."


Yoongiwife "YOONGI MARRY ME!"


"Hello Rose127" He said. Oh wow he's so sweet for stay. If I became a stay would he stop annoying me? He saw me looking at him and his smile grew wider. "Come here." He said. "What?" I asked. "Come here."

I shook my head no. "Please~" He said. I sighed and walked over to the camera. "Hi" I said.




"Kys! 😂"

Zoey101c "Oh that bitch! She should die! She stole Hyunjin from us"

Fries3 "@zoey101c: Girl Hyunjin don't want you 💀"

I stared at the comments with tears In my eyes. "Hey guys that's mean don't do that." Hyunjin said.

"She's a Whore tbh"

"Out of all the girls her?"

"I don't care if they're dating or not, she should kys"

I just smiled through the pain. Hyunjin looked at me. "...We have to go guys bye" Hyunjin said, turning the live off. "Let's finish practicing" I said, getting up.

Hyunjin POV:
She seemed so upset, I wanted to make her feel better. "Sorry about that" I said. "It's whatever" She shrugged, putting her hair up.

"You finished stretching?" I asked. "Yeah," she replied, "let's practice". I pulled her towards my chest and turned her around.

"You have to spin too" I said. "You didn't say that" She sighed. "I thought you knew" I said. "Well I didn't watch the dance practice" She replied.

"You were supposed to" I replied. "Ugh whatever let's try again then" She sighed.

Time skip
"Hey you want some food?" I asked. "Yeah what do you have in mind?" She asked. "Pizza sounds good?" I asked.

"Yeah, pepperoni pizza" She said excitedly. Once the pizza arrived I walked back into the room to see Y/N crying.

I put the pizza down on the table. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked, concerned. "I'm going home" She said.

"Nooo you're not" I said, pulling her back. "What happened?" I asked. "I've been getting death threats all day, and I've been trying to ignore it but it's hard..." She said.

"And it's all your fault!" She sobbed. "How is it my fault?" I asked. "Because... well it's not my fault so it has to be yours!" She was so mad at me for what?

I gave her a hug as she kept hitting me and pouting. I didn't know what she was going on about but she sounded really upset.

She finally gave up. "You feel any better now?" I asked her. She nodded "good" I said, as I stepped away. "You want to go back home?" I asked her. "No it's okay" She said. "OMG THE PIZZA IS HERE!" She said excitedly.

A smile spread across her puffy face. Wow food really did make her happy.

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