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════════════ ⋆★⋆ ════════════[Star Lost]

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[Star Lost]

Taste. The song I was the most nervous to perform. One thing that like about the choreo is that I get to touch Hyunjins chest and not get weird looks about it. "You're going to do great Jagiya" Hyunjin smiled.

"Of course I am, I'm Y/N" I said in a sassy tone. "Don't get to full of yourself" He rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault I'm genuinely amazing" I replied. "You are" Hyunjin agreed. "It's time to go on" Lee Know said.

Me and Hyunjin nodded and went out on the stage. felt nervous, I was starting off the song. "Fake eyes open tto sogabeorin apeum Ichame nal tto gajigo norajwo" I sang, trying to make my voice less shaky.
Honestly, I felt more comfortable dancing after a while.

The performance was a huge success, and everyone was getting ready for the 3rd and 4th gen ending performance. The fact that I'm going to be on the same stage as my idols is a little overwhelming.

"Boo!" Ryujin said, grabbing me. "AH BITCH WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled. She burst out laughing and so the Yuna who was behind her. "Both of you can go to hell" I said.

"That's so rude to say" Yuna replied, fake crying. "Anyways what's up?" I asked. "I need you to help me hide from Chan" Ryujin said. "What did you do now" I sighed. "MY SHOES NO!" Chan screamed.

"Well you see he untied my shoes so I took out his Shoe laces" Ryujin shrugged. "Understandable" I nodded. Hyunjin came up behind me and gave me a back hug. I smiled a little.

"Wow you pulled someone" Jhope said. "Move" I told Hyunjin, as I pushed him away and went to hug Hobi. It was pretty unknown how good of friends we were, many of my friends didn't even know.

"You're the only one who came?" I asked. Hobi nodded "The other members were busy, but hey, I just performed for them you know" He said. "And you did amazing" I awed. Hyunjin just glared at us.

"Anyways why do you seem shocked I pulled someone?" I asked. "I mean you're technically a child" He replied. "I'm 20!" I said. "Yeah you're a little bitty Child" He chuckled. "You're not funny" I scoffed.

"Also you're really annoying" He added. "Im not that annoying" I said. "Whatever helps you sleep at night" He shrugged, walking away. "Am I really annoying Jinnie?" I asked. Hyunjin looked away, "mighty fine wall we have here"

I playfully hit his arm and he laughed. "Im just playing. But you are annoying" He said. "You can't call anyone annoying" I replied. "Im not annoying" He frowned. "Uhm yeah you are. Who lied to you and said you weren't?" I asked.

He just rolled his eyes and fixed my hair. "You should get blonde hai-" "Im trying to keep a healthy scalp, I don't want to be like you and be. Bald in 5 years" I said. "I have really healthy hair" Hyunjin defended himself.

"Lies, there's no way your hair is still healthy" I said. "There is a way because it is healthy" He replied. Nayeon ran up to us dragging Felix. "It's time for the final performance in a few! They said just dress comfortable" She said.

"Yay" Felix cheered sarcastically. Nayeon dragged him away to tell more People. I put on a oversized shirt, some baggy jeans, and hyunjins hoodie. Hyunjin have me a back hug and ajusted my mic.

"It's crazy to think we got together over a performance" Hyunjin chuckled. "Yeah it is" I smiled. "I love you" He said. I felt my face instantly heat up, we didn't say that very often "I love you too Hyun"

He smiled as they called everyone out on stage. Everyone ran out like little kids. Chan and Seungmin started off the song while everyone danced around and acted silly while singing. Felix and Nayeon rapped his part together.

Hyunjin rapped his part and I forgot I was supposed to do it with him because I was so mesmerized so I just joined in late and he laughed. I hit his arm.

"You got me feelin star lost star lost!" Everyone sung together as as confetti fell and everyone started playing around while singing. It was actually fun, I genuinely don't know the last time I happy like this. Oh yeah I do actually. I looked at Hyunjin and smiled.

"I'm star lost"

The End?

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