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Hyunjin POV:
I drove around and looked for a parking spot. "Why would you chose downtown coffee shop?" She asked. "I always come down here" I said.

"I don't like crowded places.." She mumbled. Oh I forgot about that. "But you're an idol" I said. "It's different on stage because people aren't all up in my personal space." She said.

"Oh so like social anxiety? Like Han?" I asked. "Yeah.." She sighed. "Well we can go to another one" I said. "We drove 30 minutes let's just park" She said.

I nodded and found a park eventually that wasn't to far from the coffee shop. "We have to walk." I said, turning off the car. She nodded and we got out and started to walk down the sidewalk.

She pulled her hat down and her mask up. So she doesn't like for people to recognize her? I wouldn't mind someone recognizing me.

"What drink do you usually get?" I asked, trying to start conversation. "I usually get (F/D)." She replied.

"I usually get that too" I said. We continued to walk down the road until we finally reached Starbucks. We stood in the long.... Long... long... line. "Do you want a cake pop?" I asked.

"Omg yes I love those" She said excitedly. Food obviously pleases her. "And a cookie?" I asked. "You know me so well" She said. I smiled under my mask.

"Hey what would you like?" The barista asked. "2 cake pops, 2 cookies, and 2 (F/D)" I said. "Size?" She asked. "Venti" Y/N replied. "Okay that's 20.89$" The barista replied, handing us a receipt.

"Name for the order?" She asked. Me and Y/N exchanged looks. "Can we use a number?" I asked. "Sure, your number is 57!" The barista smiled. "Thank you" Y/N and I said in unison.

We sat at a table. "Y/N-ah" I said. "Hm?" She hummed in response. "Why don't you like crowded places?" I asked. "I was just born this way I guess" She said, "What are you scared of?"

"Loud noises" I replied. "Like balloons?" She asked with a slight smirk. "Don't smirk you evil evil little demon" I said. "ORDER 57!" The barista yelled. "I'll get it" I said.

"Here's your drink sir" She smiled. "Thank yo-" "it's on the house" She said. "No I insist on paying" I said handing her 50$.

"Woah you're rich and cute?" She asked. "Cute?" I asked confused. "Yeah, even with that mask on" She said. "Thanks?" I replied, slightly uncomfortable.

"Maybe I can get your number?" She clicked her tongue. "No no sorry" I declined. "Why not? Is that your girlfriend?" She asked. "Ew no." I said. "Your sister?" She asked. "No" I groaned.

"Is she you-" I started to walk away when she yelled out, "OMG YOU'RE HWANG HYUNJIN!" She yelled. I groaned in frustration. I handed Y/N her drink and dragged her out.

But just like I suspected, there were already lots is people asking for pictures. "Move please" I sighed. We finally got out of the café but we went through another swarm of people.

"HYUNJIN MARRY ME!" A girl yelled. "No sorry" I said. Y/N was holding on to my arm so tight she was about to cut off my circulation.

People were pushing and shoving and getting out of their cars. I was really dumb to come downtown. "Please back up." I said. We eventually got through the huge crowd and ran to the car.

I unlocked it and we got in. "You okay?" I asked Y/N. "Yup!" She smiled, sipping her coffee. "Sorry I brought you down here. I knew it was crowded it was stupid" I said. "It's okay," She said, biting into her cake pop.

"Food calms me down!" She beamed. We got back to the dorms and went back to recording.

Time skip: Y/N POV
I plopped on the bed and groaned. What a day. That coffee was really good. I wish I didn't eat all of it though, 'cause I was craving something sweet.

All of a sudden my phone started blowing up. I mean it always is but now it was more than usual. I picked it up and opened up Twitter.

'Kim Y/N and Hyunjin are officially dating?'

'Kim Y/N and Hwang Hyunjin of stray kids are in a secret relationship'

'We have new starlovers Kim Y/N and Hwang Hyunjin'

What in the world was this?! I can't hang out with Hyunjin without it being a scandal? Ugh this is stupid. This didn't bother me, I knew it wasn't true and that's all that mattered.

And smart people will know it's not true. I sighed. Guess I'll just go to sleep, maybe this will all die down tomorrow or in a few days.

Next Day:
I woke up to hear knocking on my door. Ugh why would someone be here at 11:00am? That's too early. I fixed my hair and walked downstairs. I opened the door and saw Hyunjin standing there.

"What the fuck do you wa-" "Have you seen this?!" He asked, practically shoving his phone in my face. "What are you talking about? And how do you know my address?" I asked. "The rumors about us!" He said.

"Yeah I saw them. I don't really care. Bye bye now" I said, closing the door. He stuck his foot in the door. "Oh my god what now?" I groaned. "What do you mean you don't care?!" He asked.

"I mean, as long as we know it's not true, it doesn't matter" I said. He put his hands on my shoulders firmly. "It does matter, rumors turn into scandals, scandals turn into hate." He said.

"Stuff I don't care about. This seems like more of a you problem" I sighed. Trying to push him out of my house. "You expect you can just show up to my house and I'll just let you walk in? Get out" I demanded.

"Well are you coming over today? We do need to finish recording" He said. "Yeah I'm coming over, I wanna see Felix anyways!" I replied.

"No one's there. It's just me" He said. "Oh well I'll come another day." I said teasingly. "Wow you're hilarious." He rolled his eyes.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked. "They went out, I slept in" He replied. I sighed.

"Let me get dressed"

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