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"Did you enjoy our date?" Hyunjin asked. "Yeah it was nice" I smiled. He checked his phone. "You want to go around downtown?" He asked.

"Sure" I replied. We walked out of the restaurant and it was kinda cold. I folded my arms to keep warm. "Are you cold?" He asked. "I'm good!" I replied.

He unbuttoned his sleeved shirt and handed it to me. He was wearing a black T-shirt under it. "Aren't you going to be cold?" I asked, handing his shirt back to him. "No" He replied.

"You're 1000% sure?" I asked. "I'm positive." He said. I put his shirt on and wore it like a jacket. "Are you warm now?" He asked, wrapping his arm around me.

I felt my face heat up as he smirked. "You know we should have another sleepover soon." He said. "I feel like you just want to spend more time with me." I said. "Is that bad thing?" He asked.

"No it's not." I smiled, "I like spending time with you too." I saw his cheeks turn red and he smirked, "I'm glad to know that." We walked around downtown. It was kind of dark so people couldn't really recognize us.

"Y/N can I ask you something?" He asked. "I mean you just asked." I replied. He rolled his eyes and spoke. "You remember 2017, trainee days" he asked.

"I don't think I can forget" I chuckled. "What was your best experience there?" He asked. I stopped and thought for a minute. "Watching other people dance or sing" I said.

"Was there anyone you didn't like? Besides me" He said. "Believe it or not, Felix" I said. "No way!" He replied, clearly shocked. "We couldn't stand each other at first, then we became best friends." I shrugged. "Kind of like me and you?" He asked.

"Yeah I guess." I replied. He was silent before asking, "So we're friends?" "Yeah" I said. I saw him smile and his face turn red. "I'm happy to know that" He said.

We continued walking And looking around. "You want some hot chocolate?" He asked, pointing to a small café. "Yes!" I said excitedly. We walked into the café and waited in the not-so long line.

"What would you like?" The waitress asked. "Just some hot chocolate" Hyunjin replied. She nodded and Hyunjin handed her his card. "I'll be back with your hot chocolate!" She said, as she went to the back.

Time skip:
I took a sip of my Hot chocolate as we got in the car. Hyunjin got in on the driver's side and sighed, staring at me.

"What?" I asked, taking another sip my hot chocolate. "Just admiring your beauty." He said. I almost spit out my hot coco as my face turned red.

I coughed and avoided eye contact. When I looked over I saw him smiling at me and shivering a little. "You seem really cold." I said. "I'm good." He sighed, starting the car.

He took me home a smiled at me before I got out of the car. "Why do you keep smiling at me?" I asked. "You're coming over tomorrow right?" He asked.

"Yeah" I replied. "Good" He said, kissing my cheek. My face instantly heat up and I waved goodbye. When I got in the house I squealed into a pillow. Ugh what is he doing to me?!

I've never felt this way about anyone. How can I hate and love him at the same time? I walked upstairs to the bathroom and turned on the shower and looked in the mirror. 'I forgot to give him his shirt' I thought. I took of the shirt and sat it on my bed.

Time skip:
After I got out of the shower, I plopped on the bed. I looked at my phone and saw Hyunjin calling. It was facetime!? I look like a zombie.

I quickly took the towel off my head and took off my face mask. "Hey Y/N" He said. "Why are you calling me?" I asked. "I can't fall asleep" He replied. "How is calling me going to help?" I asked. "I don't know" He said.

"Oh also I have you're shirt," I informed him. "Keep it" He said. His hair was wet and it was covering his face. "You might want to try your hair." I chuckled. "I let it air dry." He replied.

"Ohhh" I replied. We talked and talked while I was trying not to fall asleep. Before I knew it, I had fell asleep.

Hyunjin POV:
"And then- Y/N?" I asked. Oh she was sleeping. She looked so cute. I took a screenshot and blew her a kiss before hanging up.

I stared at the ceiling, fiddling with my hands. Why can't I fall asleep? Oh god I have a headache. I sighed and got out of bed, walking downstairs.

I saw Felix getting some water and sitting at the bar area. "What are you doing up?" I asked. He looked at me blankly. "Same to you" He finally replied.

"I can't sleep" I said, slicking my hair back and grabbing some water. "Oh" He replied, taking a sip of his water. "You seem off lately" I said, sitting next to him. "Do I?" He asked.

"Yeah, ever since me and Y/N started hanging out" I replied. "...Wow that's crazy" He said. "Do you like her or something?" I asked. "Yeah, I do. But she likes you, she told me herself" Felix scoffed.

"..." I didn't know what to say. "I'm going to try and get some sleep" I said. Felix nodded while scrolling on his phone. Now I felt bad, I knew how much Felix liked Y/N. I feel like a bad friend now, I shouldn't have fell for her.

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