The Exile

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This is how I was Exiled from the Kishil Pack by a fellow pack member who happened to be the next Alpha in line.

There I was sitting next to my mother's hospital bed holding her hand my own hand wrapped up from the cut and bite mark I got from the newborn as she lays there dying from a wound she got while protecting me, her 16 year old daughter from a newborn vampire trying to kill me. She went down and I managed to kill the newborn and burn his body before rushing over to her. That moment was constantly replaying in my mind as my Step-Father with my younger brothers in tow walk into the room. My brothers are Erick, Tyler and Peter.

My step father clears his throat holding my youngest brother Peter. "Ana. Sweetheart you need to tell the tribe doctors exactly what happened. This isn't like the Quiluete tribe your mother and I came from. They all know about the pack, the Vampires and Shape-shifters." My father explains to me.

"Dad, It's my fault mom's laying here in this bed. I was careless while picking herbs for the kitchen. Even with my senses like they are I couldn't sense him coming." I managed to say through my sobs.

My brother Erick walks over and tries to console me by rubbing his hand down my back. "Sis it's not your fault, you tried fighting him off by yourself till mom jumped in to save you. Don't blame yourself." my brother says trying not to cry.

My father walks over and places a hand on my shoulder and looks to his wife. "Please Ana. I'll go find the doctor and bring them in and you can explain what happened. Erick please watch your brothers while i go get them." Our father says before placing Peter on the floor then leaving the room to find a doctor and while he's out signs a DNR.

I look to my brother Erick and I sigh and then leans my head on his shoulder crying as the rest of the pack members come into the room and I lift my head off my brother's shoulder and looks up at the pack member Alan who my mom said would be the next in line until I reached 18. "Alan? What are you doing here?" I ask confused.

He crosses his arms and looks at Erick and I. "We need to know what happened and what exactly you are. Cause you are not just a Quiluete." He states angrily.

I shake my head and stands up then walks up to him. "Just cause my mother is dying doesn't mean that you're Alpha now, she's still here on this planet. As for what I am isn't your concern, I have never attacked anyone in the tribe or any humans. I'm no threat to anyone." I say keeping my voice low as to not worry Tyler and Peter. "Now I'm a person of extreme self-control and hardly get angry Alan, but you are testing that control." I say so only he can hear.

He steps back and looks at the rest of the pack then leaves the hospital room with them in tow. Soon after they leave my father walks in with the Dr.

The Dr. has Blonde short hair and Golden eyes. I can tell by looking at him he's 6'2", but he looks very young for his age he looks 23 and has a tired but gentle look about him even with his well-toned medium frame. He's wearing a blue t-shirt with a white hospital coat over it, he has black slacks with black sneakers. He looked at me, then back at the clipboard and the I can hear his thoughts cause I wanted to know what he was thinking and I heard that he wanted to speak to me privately later because he was curious of my DNA because I looked different than the other members in my tribe and my family who all had Russet colored skin. He also noticed that I smelled off, I normally smell like a wet dog to hide my Vampire scent but I forgot to force more of a wolf smell. No this wasn't like I had no hygiene, bad BO or bad breath. This scent humans can't detect. The Dr. holds up his clipboard pulling the pen from the clip and step forward to shake my hand. I noticed his skin was cold, like Ice cold. I however I can be warm or cold but I was really warm today so the coldness was refreshing but also odd.

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