The Tracker

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They Entered the clearing, I immediately noticed the smaller, ill-favored male started in the lead, but he quickly fell back in a practiced maneuver. I could tell by his eyes he assumed we were 2 or 3 friendly covens meeting for the game. They all reacted to Emmett's size as he stands next to Carlisle. Laurent then became distracted by Rose. "I wonder if she's mated? They do seem even in numbers." His eyes skipped over everyone else landing on me. "She doesn't seem mated. Her scent is amazing though." I let a mental growl rumble through me. He then focused on Rose again as I stare at the redhead.

She was tenser than any of us, her body nearly vibrating with anxiety. She had a hard time keeping her intense gaze off Emmett. "There's to many. Laurent is a fool." She has already calculated various escape routes. Emmett held their gazes as they couldn't keep their eyes off him. The leader Laurent was sure we'd get along and then he would get to know Rose or I. He smiles when he got within a few yards of Carlisle.

His eyes flickered to Rose, Emmett, Edward, me, then back to Carlisle. "We thought we heard a game." He said as his voice had a faint French accent. "I'm Laurent, this is James and Victoria.

I focused on my scent hiding Bella. "Vic hasn't spilt yet," James was thinking. "So it won't come to anything. I wonder who the redhead is? She seems familiar to me, she looks like another Vampire we came across." I look at him and he looks at Victoria.

"She looks familiar to a vampire we came across, I think his name was Magnus." Her thoughts were loud. "Maybe they're related, as he's her creator. But why is she with one of these covens?"

"I'm Carlisle," he introduced himself. "This is my family. Emett and Jasper, Rosalie, Scarlet and Esme; and Alice. Edward and Bella." He gestures vaguely in our direction as he spoke. Jasper was using his ability to cover not just himself, but Alice, Bella and Esme in the same haze of tediousness, while also keeping the mood calm.

Jasper is really extending himself to protect the most vunerable members of our family and I am also putting myself at risk for allowing my scent out. He had Bella encased in a more clever protection than I've seen him do since meeting him. I refocused on the strangers, they were affected by Carlisle's charm though they did not forget Emmett's intimidating size, Edward's intensity and my harsh gaze. I wanted to be calmer but my genes wanting to shift wouldn't let me. I was focusing harder than I should.

Jasper was presenting what he wanted; Edward on edge, a threat and me, holding back from attacking them being overprotective of my family also my scent being strange and enticing. Both Edward and I were the distraction. "I could certainly lean to that role." I think to myself.

"Do you have room for a few more players?" Laurent was asking just as amicable as Carlisle.

"Actually, we were just finishing up," Carlisle responded his tone oozing warmth. "But we'd certainly be interested another time. Are you planning on staying in the area long?"

"We're headed north in fact, but we were curious to see who was in the neighborhood. We haven't run into any company in a long time." Laurent said.

"No, this region is usually empty except for us and the occassional visitor, like yourselves." Carlisle says as I give Edward a side eyed glance. Carlisle's easy friendliness, along with Jasper's influence was winning them over. Even the redhead they called Victoria who was staring at me analyzing my features was beginning to calm. She was unsure of her gut feeling, James was a little disappointed that a game was not immenent and also that the confrontation eased. Laurent was absorbing Carlisle's poise and confidence.

I could tell that Laurent wanted to know more about us, he also wondered what subterfuge we used to disguise our eyes and why.

"What's your hunting range?" Laurent asked. This was a normal thing expected amoung Nomads. I should know I have had to ask this when I met and lived with the Denali's. I half expected Bella's heartbeat to quicken but judging by Edward's tapping it has not changed.

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