Time to Make the Mixture.... After the Exam and Results.

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Carlisle comes over and pushes on my stomach and feeling around before he helps me stand up and helps me to get an X-ray and then helps me back onto the table and lifts the bottom of my gown to start an ultrasound to figure out if I can reproduce.

"Alright Scarlet the Gel is cold." He says as he squirts it onto my stomach.

I squeak as the gel is cold, he then take the machine and moves the Doppler around on my stomach alternating his amount of force he presses into my stomach with. After a while of looking he smiles, turns the screen to me and points at a section.

"You have the system to produce kids." He says pointing at another section. "It looks normal and it's all really up to the blood test." He says as he hands me a wipe to clean off the gel. As I clean off the gel I get up and walk to the X-Rays and looks at them.

"I looks like my bones are that equivalent of a Shifter bone thickness." I say looking at it and pointing to the ones of a human or vampire. "My bones are a lot thicker." I say as he walks over.

"Yes you're bones are that of a Shifter." He says smiling. "The tests are done and we can finally figure out what you want to know." He continues and then walks, to the test results and looks at them as I walk back to the divider to put my clothes on and walk back over to Carlisle. "So it looks like the reason you are what you are is your mother was a special kind of blood type and that blood type passed to you." He states looking at the computer.

"What type of blood is that?" I ask leaning onto the counter.

"Rh-null." He says looking at me. "There are less than 50 people in the world who have this blood type. It's considered Golden Blood." He says looking back at the computer.

"Ok so that explains why I was created. So that blood allows for the perfect mixture of both shifter and vampire. It has none of the Rh antigens at all so it allows for the perfect grounds to make me." I say using my vampire speed to grab my journal and brings it back to the counter and opens to my tab for my name and writes in it.

"Exactly." He says scrolling down. "Everything looks normal. You have a higher sense of everything. I also believe that this is what allowed you to also have many familial powers on both ends." He says pointing to the test result as I continue to write as Alice and Razz come in and smile.

"Scarlet we have a surprise for you." Alice says happily as I smile and turn around.

"Can you girls hold onto that thought for me till later?" I say apologetically. "I just found out some interesting things about myself and I really wanna know all about it." I say smiling and hugging them both.

"Sure." They both say before hugging me back and leaving.

"Alright, what's next?" I ask Carlisle as I pick back up my pen.

"You're a twin. Well you were supposed to be a twin." He says. "That's why I believe you have heterochromia." He says smiling and using a pencil to point at the screen.

"Can you tell what gender?" I ask him curiously.

"Yes actually." He says as he scrolls a bit more. "So your twin was a boy. I think that is why your hair is fire engine red and one of your eyes are green. You are also close to shifting so you'll have to be careful around humans and us. Hence why I'll make a different mixture to help calm you down." He says looking at me as he places a hand on my shoulder.

"Alright what about having children? Can I have children?" I ask curiously.

"Yes but it may be difficult. You see you have a chance of getting a shifter child, vampire child, or a hybrid. It wont kill you but the terms of your pregnancy will be that of a human pregnancy but add two more months onto that. You won't be able to tell you're with child till your in the three month mark and because you're a twin you may have twins. Your child might be an alpha like you but that depends on the mate you get IF you imprint." He says looking at me and I sit down.

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