The Game

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As soon as we were on the drive, I hear a familiar engine coming from the garage, Edward stopped dead in the middle of the single lane and waited. Rose's BMW rounded the curve as I jogged to Edward as he waved halfheartedly.

"Edward you know she'd run your ass over." I say to him before I jog past her car and stand on the curve still able to hear their conversation.

"You know I'd hit you if it wouldn't mess my car up." Rose was having a mental conversation with Edward. He nodded and she revved her engine once, then sighed.

"You heard about the game, I guess."

"Just let me go, Edward." I saw that she had no destination in mind, she only wanted to be away from here. "Emmett will stay. That's enough, isn't it?"

"Please." Edward begs as Rose closes her eyes and inhaled deeply

"I don't understand why this is so important to you."

"You are important to me Rose." He said simply.

"Everyone will have more fun without me."

Edward shrugged. "You might be right."

"I won't be nice."

Edward smiled. "I don't require nice. I only asked for toleration." Rose hesitated. "It won't be that bad." He promised. "Maybe you'll win the game soundly, make me look bad."

One corner of her mouth quirked up as she fought a smile. "I get Emmett and Jasper." She always picked the obvious muscle.

"Deal." Edward agreed as Rose took another deep breath, instantly regretting his agreement. She tried to image being in the same place as Bella and... struggled. "Nothing is going to happen tonight, Rose. She's not making any decisions. She's just going to watch us play a game that's all. Think of it as an experiment. Plus Scarlet is going to be there, I doubt she'll let anything happen to Bella."

"In that... this experiment might blow up?" Edward gave her a tired look which caused Rose to roll her eyes.

"If it doesn't work, we'll regroup and come up with another solution." Edward states. Rose had a plethora of other solutions, most of them profane, but she was ready to surrender.

"I suppose I should change then." With that thought, she threw her car into reverse and gunned it back toward the house climbing from 0 to 60 before she even passed me at the curve. Edward ran to me and we took the shorter route through the forest. I walked inside dripping wet and plopped onto the couch next to Emmett who patted my shoulder as he watched 4 different games on the TV. His head was turned, listening to the sound of Rose's car squealing into the garage as Edward walks in gesturing to the TV.

"Nothing you'll find there will help you win tonight." Edward comments snarkily.

"You talked Rose into playing?" Emmett thought and Edward nodded once. A huge smile spread on Emmett's face, I get up and head upstairs to my room to change. As I reach my room I groan and fall to my knees knocking the lamp nearby over causing it to crash to the ground as I grab my head hearing Sam yelling through the pack link.

"Paul, enough!" Sam uses his alpha voice louder than he normally uses it.

"Sam, Really?! That was loud and thank you for the headache!" I snap back at him as I'm the only one who can.

"Sorry, Red." Sam apologizes. "Paul was saying some bad things about you and it caused him and Jared to get into a fight." I can tell they were around Billy and the other elders.

"Sam, when I have a chance. I want to talk to you and Billy. Hopefully after tonight."


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