Much Needed Space.

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It was late when the others trudged into Emily's house as Jared is asleep with his head on my lap. I allowed him to do it cause running my fingers through his short hair was distracting me from what just happened earlier today.

"Scarlet, You good?" Paul ask playfully slapping my shoulder as I continue to mess with Jared's hair.

"Yep, I'm fine now," I say before I grab my phone and calls my school.

"Hello, this is Forks High school. I'm Sherri, how may I help you?" The attendance lady asks a bit to enthusiastically.

"Yes, hello. My name is Scarlet Edwards-Cullen and I'm calling to state a head of time that I would be missing a few school days as I am going out of town for a while." I say looking down at Jared as I still run my fingers through his hair as he sleeps.

"Alright let me just write that in in the schedule," She says as I hear her typing away on her keyboard. "What do we do about your homework and Classwork?" She ask.

"Oh just give it to Edward Cullen and He will give it to me when I return." I state as I look up and see them tense at the name.

"Alright sweetie, anything else?" She ask.

"Nope that is all, thank you." I say hanging up as Jared adjust to get comfortable still asleep on my lap as I then dial Edward.

"Scarlet, What's wrong?" He answers worried.

"Nothing," I say lying about my imprinting on Jacob. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm not going to be at school for a while and that you will be getting my work to hand to me." I state leaning my head back onto the couch.

"Alright. I'll call you everyday to see how you are." He says as I can hear Carlisle and Esme in the background.

"Alright Ed. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I say hanging up on him.

"Red, you seem pretty happy with Jared on your lap." Paul says teasingly.

"Paul... Shut it." I snap at him. "Messing with his hair is calming to me and keeps my mind off of crazy ass shit going on in my mind and around me."

"Aww, someone seems touchy." Paul says as Jared sits up and growls at Paul.

"Don't talk to her like that Paul." Jared says as Sam glares at Paul as I stand up and heads to the guest room and flops onto the bed. "This is some Bullshit!"

Later that night after everyone has gone to sleep I wake up and looks out the window and then sighs deeply and goes to lay back down and closes my eyes. Three days later I'm running with the pack just messing around and also making sure the reservation was safe. I broke away from the pack to be on a mountaintop the wind blowing through my fur as my link with the pack was more open and I could tell where they were at all times and can hear them. I take a deep breath and then sees a vision of Edward and Bella together, Edward staying at Bella's house watching her sleep and I shiver which alerts Sam.

"Red, you ok?" He asks through the pack link

"Yea, I'm good. I just got a bit cold up here that's all." I reply.

"I'm coming your way Red." Jared says as I see him running up the mountains to get to me.

"That's fine J." I reply using my superior eyesight to look around as well as my sense of smell.

Jared finally gets to my location and rubs against my side as he sits next to me as the wind blows. "Red, can I ask you something?" Jared asks me.

"What is it , J" I reply looking at him as I see what I look like through Jared's eyes. My wolf has a golden yellow eye and a deep ocean blue eye and a black and pink nose.

"Have you thought about what I asked you on Saturday?"

"I have, if I agree J. You do understand that at anytime I can break off our relationship." I remind him.

"I do, Red."

"As much as I would like to, because you have been a best friend I don't want to ruin that relationship." I reply as I nudge his small wolf from compared to mine.

"I understand Red." Jared says nudging me back as I snort and shakes my head.

"Let's head back to Emi's." I say as I slowly start making my way down the mountain.

"Alright." He replies following me down.

We make our way to Emily's house meeting up with the others at the house and as they shift behind trees they put their shorts on I shift and grabs a outfit that I had put into a backpack that was in a hole in the tree I shifted behind.

We make our way to Emily's house meeting up with the others at the house and as they shift behind trees they put their shorts on I shift and grabs a outfit that I had put into a backpack that was in a hole in the tree I shifted behind

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I make my way into the house and plops onto the couch after grabbing a sandwich and a drink on my side of the fridge

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I make my way into the house and plops onto the couch after grabbing a sandwich and a drink on my side of the fridge. Jared joins me sitting next to me and placing his arm on the back of the couch as the others come in.

"My spot was clear Sam." I say after I take a drink looking at him as he walks over to kiss Emi on the cheek.

"Mine was too." Jared say taking a bite out of my sandwich and I glare at him. Paul rolls his eyes and walks off.

"Paul may be my cousin but I swear to the ancestors I want to slap the shit out of him for his thoughts." I snarl angrily.

"I know Red." Sam says.

"Hey Sam, so our mom's were twins. So technically by DNA we're considered siblings." I mention as I pull out my biology homework Edward had Alice leave on the edge of the reservation.

"Yeah. I mean I have become to see you as a sister." He replies as he sits on the arm of Emily's chair.

"I will have to go back to the Cullens soon." I state looking at Sam.

"As much as I don't want that, I know I have no choice but to let you." He says looking to me. "I know if there's an issue you will contact me."

I nod smiling and looking at Sam before I head to the kitchen to grab an apple and comes to sit back down as Sam turns on the game.

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