Aro, Caius & Marcus

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Elezar smiles as I walk over sit facing him ready for him to tell me more. "Lets start with Aro." He says.

"Okay." I reply Intrigued.

"Aro is one of the three leaders of the Volturi. He was born around 1340 BC in Greece and Changed around 1300 in his mid-20's. He is 5'10" with jet black hair and red eyes and pale almost translucent skin. He joined forces with Marcus, Caius and Caius's wife Anthenodora, they founded the Volturi Coven. After a decade of being a vampire he changed his younger sister Didyme, in the hope that she would develop an ability him, Tactile Telepathy much like you have as well as his current wife Sulpicia. However she didn't get one that was as useful as he wanted. She got the ability to make people happy. Marcus fell in love with his sister and she with him but they soon became discontent. Aro then secretly killed his sister and had another member of the Volturi use her power to keep him loyal to the Volturi as Marcus was to integral to his plans for him to lose. Marcus never found out the truth and if he did well Marcus would leave. This though did make Aro and Caius realize how vulnerable they could be if their mates met the same fate so they had themselves well protected." He explains.

"By the year 500 AD, the Volturi usurped control from the Romanian Coven. Marcus and Caius ruled the Volturi coven alongside Aro, though Aro usually acted as the spokesperson. The Volturi under these three's ancient leadership, set down the laws that the Vampire world would live by and punish those who didn't as it posed the threat of exposure to humans. He later gained two of his greatest assets Jane and her brother Alec, both gifted with enormous psychic abilities. He changed them when they were older so they could keep the secret of Vampires. That and the rule against making immortal children had been established. Since they joined the coven, the Volturi have become largely invincible." He finishes explaining.

"Wow so immortal children are children who are to young to keep the secret. So children under the age of like 12." I say amused.

"Exactly." He says.

"Can I call you father or El?" I ask him.

"Either is fine bebita." He says smiling enjoying the factor that someone enjoys the history as much as he does. "Now Marcus of Caius next bebita?" He asks as the others go about their day Kate, Tanya and Irina going to the mall and Carmen going to work at the store.

"Marcus." I say.

"He was born around 1350 BC in Greece he is 6'0" tall and has shoulder length, his skin is pale and almost translucent, he was changed at the age of 19. He met Aro shortly after his own transformation. Together with Caius and his wife he formed the core of the Volturi. He is a co-leader of the Volturi Coven and possesses the power of Relationship Identification allowing him to see the emotional ties between Individuals. Marcus then met Didyme, Aro's biological sister and became her mate. They both soon became discontent with the Volturi and planned on leaving, This caused Aro to kill his own sister. After the loss of his wife, he became withdrawn and introverted. Basically he became extremely depressed and apathetic. He is only kept in the Coven my another members power over his loyalty. Marcus as well as the rest of the Volturi are both feared as respected throughout the Vampire world as the guardians who keep the human world ignorant of the supernatural. He is also respected in the human world as "Saint Marcus," the holy priest who drove all the Vampires from Volterra. They gave him a national holiday, St. Marcus Day on the 19th of March, is celebrated each year by the people of Volterra. The legend of this most likely developed out of the fact that the Volturi do not permit hunting within the walls of the Volterra." He says as I stand up and walk to the kitchen to get a drink and walks back.

"Wow I feel really sorry for Marcus. Losing his mate at the hands of someone he considered a brother and never knowing about it." I look down at my drink then back up at him and notice his eyes are black. "I take It you are hungry?" I ask looking at him.

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