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The next morning Alice was hunched over the coffee table drawing on some stationary. The room was the mirror room. Bella suddenly spoke up. "It's a ballet studio."

We looked at her surprised.

"Do you know this room?" Jasper voice came out calm with a hint of panic underneath.

"This is not good. Maybe I should tell them the vision I had?" I ask myself

"It looks like a place I used to go for dance lessons - when I was 8 or 9. It was shaped the same." Bella reached out and touched the page. "That's where the bathrooms were - the doors were through the other dance floor. But the stereo was here." She said pointing to the left corner. "It was older, and there wasn't a TV. There was a window in the waiting room - you would see the room from this perspective if you looked through it."

"Are you sure it's the same room?" Jasper asked still calm.

"No, not at all - I suppose most dance studios would look the same, the mirrors, the bar." Bella said as she traced her fingers along the ballet bar set against the mirrors. "It's just the shape that looked familiar." She touched the door.

"Would you have any reason to go there now?" Alice asked bringing Bella back to the present.

"Um guys. Last night I got a vision of the redhead rifling through the schools files for anything related to Bella. I'm guessing she found something relating to Bella." I mentioned crossing my arms as they looked at me.

"Did you see anything specific?" Jasper asks me.

"Some addresses, one for here in Phoenix. But I also saw one for California. But do you have any reason to return to the dance studio Bella?" I say leaning on the wall.

"No, I haven't been there in almost 10 years. I was a terrible dancer - they always put me in the back for recitals." She admitted.

"So there's no way it could be connected to you?" Alice asked intently.

"No. I don't think the same person even owns it."

"Maybe it's a dance studio somewhere else." I add.

"Where was the studio you went to?" Jasper asked casually.

"It was just around the corner from my mom's house. I used to walk there after school..." Bella said her voice trailing off as she noticed us exchanging worried glances.

"Here in Phoenix, then?" He said still casually.

"Yes," She whispered. "58th Street and Cactus." We all stared at the drawing and I feel a growl growing in my chest.

"I wish I could open the pack link, but because I left I can't get into contact with Sam or the others except through text and my sound is off." I sigh and then I look at Alice.

"Alice is that phone safe?" I ask.

"Yes," She reassured me. "The number traces back to Washington."

"Then can I use it to call my mom." Bella asks

"I thought she was in Florida."

"She is." Bella replies

But according to Charlie he told Bella that they might be coming home in a week if Phil didn't get signed by the Sidewinders..." I said then thought about it. "Bella, my phone traces back to Ontario. Bella use mine instead, It might throw him off, if you call using this number." I say handing her my phone. To be honest I don't think calling your mom's home phone especially since he might be so close is a good idea."

"Please Scarlet!" She begged. She can't come back to that house while...." Her voice trembled as she spoke.

"How will you reach her?"

"She doesn't have a permanent number except the house phone - she's supposed to check her messages regularly."

"Jasper, Scarlet?" Alice asked.

He and I thought about it and I sigh.

"I don't think there's anyway it could hurt." He says.

"Just don't say where you are, of course."

Bella took the phone from Me and called her home phone. It went to Voicemail and Bella started to leave a message. "Mom, It's me. Listen, I need you to do something. It's important. As soon as you get this message call me at this number." I went to her side and wrote the number down for her. "Please don't go anywhere until you talk to me. Don't worry, I'm okay, but I have to talk to you right away, no matter how late you get this call, all right? I love you Mom. Bye."

We all settled down. I sat on the ledge near the closed windows, Bella nestled into the sofa nibbling on a plate of leftover fruit. Alice sketched the vague outline of the dark room from her vision with as much light as the TV gave off. Jasper sat there still with no urge to do anything. Bella fell asleep a few hours later and as I got up to go take her to the bed Alice stopped me taking over for me.

The next morning I was sitting on the floor one leg outstretched ahead of me my other leg bent with my wrist on my knee as I watched Alice sketching in a sketchbook I gave her from my bag. "Did she see something more?" Bella asked us quietly.

"Yes. Something brought him back to the room with the VCR, but it's light now." He whispered.

We watched as she drew a square with dark beams across the low ceiling that I knew I'd probably hit my head on way to many times. The wall were paneled in wood, a little to dark, out of date. The floor had a dark carpet pattern in it. there was a large window against the south wall, and an opening through the west wall led to the living room - a large tan stone fireplace that was open to both rooms. The focus of the room from this perspective, the TV and VCR, balanced on a to small wooden stand, were in the the southwest corner of the room. An aged sectional sofa curved around in front of the TV, a round coffee table in front of it. "The phone goes there." Bella whispered and I looked up at her at the same time Jasper and Alice did. "That's my mother's house." I was already on the phone calling Carlisle or Edward. It really didn't matter who had the phone as Alice and Bella were still talking about the drawing.

"Eddie! He's coming here, he's coming to Phoenix, if he's not already here. Alice saw the second room again and Bella recognized it as her mother's house. Eddie, he's coming after Renee. He can't know were here."

"He's so close. I don't like it." He replied.

"I don't like Bella so close to him either. He's too slippery, and Alice nor I can see him well enough. We've got to get her out of here, but somebody's got to find Renee. He's going to spread us to thin Edward!" I say panicked.

"Breathe Scarlet. How long till he's there?" He hissed with a hint of compassion towards me as he's never heard me like this.

"According to Alice, It's not a perfect match but she believes it's soon. No more than a few hours."

"None of you have gone near Renee's house?" He asked.

"No. We've not set foot outside this hotel, nor are we anywhere near the house...." I look at Alice my eyes wide and cover the mouthpiece mouthing. "Bella's phone call!"

"Scarlet you there?" Edward asks and I return to the phone call.

"Yes what's your plan?" I ask pacing.

"Let me think." He says as Alice walks up to me and whispers into my ear.

"Alice says the first flight to Phoenix leaves Seattle at 6:40. You'll need to cover up.. It's ludicrously sunny here. I really don't like it."

"We'll leave Rose and Esme here again. The redhead won't come near them. Get Bella ready. We'll keep the same groups. Emmett, Carlisle, you and I will take her somewhere far away, somewhere random, till we can figure out the next step. Alice and Jasper will find her mother." I look at Alice and she goes and inform Jasper and Bella.

"We'll be there when you land." I say before I hang up and start picking up the room packing my stuff as well as Bella's.

"Bella, Edward is coming to get you. Scarlet, Emmett, Carlisle and Edward are going to take you somewhere to hide you for a while." Alice says looking at Bella.

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