Back in Seattle

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We met up with Rose and Emmett and her went on their way and I threw my suitcase into the trunk and started my drive back to Forks, back to the reservation. Before I left of course Alice made a copy of the tape and I packed it into my suitcase. As I drive the long drive to the reservation I decided to call my madre, Carmen.

I touch the screen on the dash and it rang through the car speakers as I drove more like a human.

"Hola? Bebita?"

"Hola Madre, Hice algo que tenía que hacer para salvar a alguien cercano a Edward. (Hi mother, I did something that I had to do in order to save someone close to Edward.)

"Qué hiciste? (What did yo do?)"

"¿Podemos hablar inglés, por favor? (Can we speak in English please?)"



"Well, we were playing a game in the clearing and then three vampires came into the clearing and we had a human, who happened to be Edward's mate. The wind grabbed her scent and blew it to them. Fast forward we had to come up with a plan and Bella's plan was the best one."

"What was it?"

"Bella wanted to go back to Phoenix. Needless to say we went through with her plan and I went with her, Alice and Jasper. We kept tabs on the tracker as best as we could. He got to close and then Bella slipped from us at the airport while we were waiting for Edward, Carlisle and Emmett."

"What happened Bebita?" Worry dripping from her voice.

I sigh "Bella met up with the tracker and I followed eventually and made it before anything happened but I was fighting a battle with my wolf side and I lost focus. I came back into focus because Bella screamed. I then went into the building and grabbed him and ripped his arm off, I created a bubble around him and I. I eventually dropped it and Emmett and Jasper took over, I ran over to help Carlisle and Edward with Bella, she was bleeding heavy and had a broken leg and possibly broken ribs, she had cuts on her head and we realized he bit her. The tracker bit her." I say anger in my voice as I gripped the steering wheel harder than normal.

"Baby, breathe. Relax." Carmen says to me. I take a deep breath and relax my grip. "What happened to Bella?"

"Edward was to scared to suck the venom from her so I did it."

"Wait? You sucked the venom out of Bella? I thought you said human blood makes you sick?"

"It does, I vomited after but I still had some in my stomach."

"Sweetie are your eyes-"

"Red, yes. They are."

"Ay ya. Sweetie do you want us to come down." She asks as I turn onto the reservation ramp.

"No mom, I'm fine. I'm headed to my pack. They think I'm dead so I have to head back to them."

"Alright. Call us if you need anything."

"I will mom, tell dad and the others I love them."

"Irina found her mate finally." She says which keeps me from hanging up the phone.

"She did? Who?"


I slam on the brakes and pull off the road.

"What did you just say?"

"Laurent he said he met you guys and he wanted to become like us."

"Mother, he was part of the trackers clan. There was a redhead as well." I explain to her.

"Well sweetie he ran from that situation so well keep an eye on him but he is your god mother's mate."

"I know. Can you tell Irina I'm happy for her?"


"Bye mom."

"Bye." She hangs up as I finally reach the reservation and I drive up to Billy's house while Jake was at his friends Embry's house. I get out of the car and I walk up to the door and knocks. Billy answered the door and when he saw me he started crying and I knelt down to hug him as he hugs me back.

"Scarlet, I thought you were dead!" He says while sobbing.

"No, Billy. I'm alive."

"What happened to you? You seem emotionless."

"Billy let's go sit down and talk." I say as I stand back up and then push him to the living room.

"Scarlet. What happened? Is Bella alright?" he says as he looks at me and I pull out a Dr. Pepper.

"Bella's at the hospital in Phoenix. Dr. Cullen is with her."

I see his visibly tense and I sigh and look at Billy. "Did he hurt her?"

"Edward? No there was a tracker that was tracking Bella and he bit her but Bella is still human."

"How?" He asks as I open the soda and take a drink.

"I saved her life by sucking out the venom."

"You drank her blood?"

"More like vomited it up but essentially yes."

"Are you alright enough to be around humans?"

"Yep, completely."

"Are your eyes?"

I move my contact and reveal my red eye color. "Sadly, yes Billy."

He takes a deep breath. "I'm glad Bella is ok and That you are too."

"How's Jake?" I ask moving the contact back.

"He's broken. Bella left and then you left. He really cared for you both."

"Billy, Jake is my mate. I imprinted on him. He hasn't realized it and it hurts me."

"Scarlet, Jake has non-stop been talking about you. I think he has realized that he likes you but can't stop trying to protect Bella."

"That's fine Billy." I say standing up. "I have something with me that you need to see." I say walking behind Billy and pushing him to the back of my car and I open the trunk, open my suitcase and pulls out the tape. "This is what you need to see. This will show you that the Cullen's mean anyone no harm. You may also see some things from me that may shock you." I say handing him it and then hugging him.

"Thank you Scarlet. I'll tell Jake you're home."

"Not yet Billy, Please." I look down and then grabs his hand. "Wait till I'm settled at my own house. I was gonna ask him to my school's prom." I look back up at Billy.

"Once you're ready call me and then I'll send him your way." Billy says holding my hand.

"Thank you." I say squeezing his hand gently and the kisses his cheek.

"You're welcome."

"I got to go now, I have to go meet up with Sam and the rest of the pack." I breathe heavily and pushes Billy back inside, walking back out to my car and then backing out and heading off to Sam and Emily's house.

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