Carlisle Cullen

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He begins to explain his past as we sit there waiting for the results. "I was the son of an Angelican Pastor in the year 1640, in London, England during the time of Very religious and Political upheaval." He says as I make a face of I wanna puke and he checks on me and hands me another bar to eat. "My mother died giving birth to me." He says getting up and heading to his computer.

"I'm so sorry Carlisle." I say getting up and walking over to him placing my hand on his shoulder. He places his hand on my hand and looks at me and smiles walking back to where we were sitting and I follow him back to the seats, sitting down as we wait.

"My father and other pastors led hunts for Werewolves, Witches and Vampires, claiming they were attempting to rid the world of evil and sin. Sadly many of these people that were killed were innocent citizens. As my father aged I took over the raids, I hated killing unlike my father but I was far more intelligent in finding a real vampire coven living in the sewers of London. I led the attack, in the chaos of the attack I was attacked and left bleeding in the streets. I knew what my father would do to me if he found out what happened, I decided to hide in a potato cellar for my painful transformation. I emerged 3 days later what I am now." He says looking at me and smiles as I look at him with sadness for what happened to him.

He looks down and sighs. "I was repelled and horrified by what I've become, I've tried various methods to kill myself. I tried Starving, drowning, jumping off cliffs, nothing worked. Eventually I was so desperate for blood that while I was hiding in a cave in a forest I attacked and fed on a herd of passing deer, in doing so I found that I could survive off animal blood and considered it more humane than drinking human blood." He continues to explain as he looks back up at me and smiles.

"2 centuries later the smell of human blood, yours included, no longer caused my blood lust urge. I became a doctor to help people. The first vampire that I met after my transformation was Alistair. We managed to get to know each other before we parted ways on odd terms. I then studied in Italy where I stumbled across the Volturi." He says before asking "I assume Elezar told you about them?" He adds.

"Yeah he did. I don't agree with them. I also personally met Alec and Jane." I say standing up before I walk to the door. "I'll be right back I need to use the restroom." I say smiling.

"Its down the hall to the left." He says standing and going to check on the results.

"Thank you." I say before I walk out and into the restroom, then walks out after washing my hands and head back into the room with Carlisle and he pats the chair.

"I'm sorry Scarlet, I'm going to need a bit more blood." He says looking at me making a apologetic face.

"It's alright Carlisle." I say sitting down as he preps my arm again and starts drawing blood again as I lean my head back.

"I'm sorry Scarlet." He says filling a bag so he won't have to draw again for a while.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." I say smiling. "You can continue to explain your story." I say smiling.

"You said you met Alec and Jane?" He asks watching the bag fill.

"Yes. Alec touched my bare skin and Jane slapped me. Alec also was kind to me, he seemed like he was in love with me." I say watching the bag as well as it finishes and he patches my arm up then goes and places it in a fridge and I go an lay down on a couch closing my eyes.

"I'm sorry again Scarlet." He says taking a blanket and covering me before continuing. He then looked at me when I said that Alec was looking at me as if he liked me with this look of concern but when he realized I didn't share the same feelings he became calm before continuing. "The Volturi were more refined than the sewer Vampires, but still lived on human blood. They did try to convert me to human blood, they were unsuccessful. I lived with them for 2 decades before I moved on to the the New World where I became a doctor again and used my skills to help people." He says looking back at the screen quickly before looking at me again on the couch as I took out my braid and fluffed out my hair and lays it over the arm of the couch as I scratch my scalp before getting comfortable.

"In 1911 I met Esme and treated her for a broken leg when she was 16. In 1918 I found Edward and his mother dying of the Spanish Flu. I turned Edward at the request of his mother. I then re met Esme in 1921, she was dying and in pain so I changed her. I then met Rose in 1933 who was dying and I changed her and then she brought me Emmett in 1935 while he was dying and I changed him as well. In 1950 Alice and Jasper joined the family." He says as he comes over and starts examining my arms and feeling my bones as I also am starting to get hot and I kick off the blanket and he notices not only by touch but by my smell, and he gives me a shot to help me to relax. I relax and calm down as he still checks my body structure out finding out the differences.

"We moved to Forks for a time before Alice and Jasper joined us. We made a treaty with the Quiluete Tribe led by Ephraim Black. The treaty stated that the Quiluete's would leave us alone and not reveal that we exist if we would refrain from biting humans- whether to kill or change them or trespassing on their land." He finishes explaining.

I sit up and look at him. "That is a very interesting history Carlisle." I say smiling. "Do you mind if I put it in my information journal?" I ask curiously. "I want to document everything I know or figure out." I say smiling.

"I don't mind it as long as it stays here so no humans can't get a hold of it." He says smiling.

"I don't mind as I may be spending a lot more time over here than at my own home." I say standing up and walking to the desk nearby and begins writing down everything. Once I finish Carlisle walks over to me and smiles.

"I know a bit about your physical attributes but we need x-rays and some more in depth exams." He says. "I also wonder if you can reproduce as we Vampires cannot." He says.

I clear my throat and closes the book and puts it on the shelf before standing up. "I said I wanted to know about my species and you are the best one to help me with that. I'm willing to go to any lengths to figure it out." I say pulling out a few strand of my hair and handing it to him. "Anything but cutting me open." I say walking to the dividers after grabbing a hospital robe and taking off my dress and everything before walking back out and sitting on the table. "I trust you Carlisle." I say smiling.

"Alright." He says taking the strands and running tests on them.

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