Biology 2

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"Oh." He said letting the matter drop as Bella looked away awkwardly. I feel thankful that Mr. Banner started class at that moment. The box of slides were out of order, working with my partner we had to separate the slides of onion root tip cells into the phases of mitosis they represented and label them accordingly, no using books, and in 20 minutes Mr. Banner would be coming around to see who had it right.

"Get started." Mr. Banner commanded.

"Ladies first, partner?" Ed asked Bella as she looked up he was smiling a crooked smile and she stared at him like an idiot. "Or I could start, if you wish?" He says as his smile faded as I can tell Edward was wondering if she was mentally competent.

"No." She said her cheeks flushing pink. "I'll go ahead." She said as she snapped the first slide into place into the microscope adjusting it to the 40x objective as I do the same talking with my partner as I've done this just not with the onion.

"Prophase." She says confidently as I am studying the slide, I then write my answer on the paper as my partner looks.

"Do you mind if I look?" Ed asks as Bella began to remove the slide as his hand reached out to catch hers to stop her and I tensed knowing she can tell he's cold as she could probably feel his temperature, but he pulls his hand away quickly as if they felt an electric jolt. "I'm sorry." He muttered as he continued to reach for the microscope then exam it for a shorter time than she did. "Prophase." states agreeing with her as they move onto the their second slide but my partner and I are onto our third slide again writing our answers. They finally reached their third as my partner and I were finished, I laid my head on my arms as I feel the urge of aggression and I look up raising my hand.

"Yes, Ms. Edwards." Mr. Banner addresses me.

"Edwards-Cullen actually, I have to go to the bathroom please." I state through gritted teeth.

"Ok Ms. Cullen." Mr. Banner says writing a pass as I get up and walk to the bathroom, I finally calm down and make my way back to class. As I walk in I notice others were still at the project. I walk to my table as I sit down. I notice that Bella and Edward were staring at each other.

"Did you get contacts?" Bella blurted out as Edward seemed puzzled.

"No." He responded as he clenched his hands into fists and I reach into my bag and hand him the bottle of juice and he sips it as Mr. Banner comes over to our tables to see why we weren't working. He glanced over my partner's and I's paper first and then went to Edward and Bella's table.

"So, Edward, didn't you think Isabella should get a chance with the microscope?" Mr Banner asked.

"Bella," Edward corrected him immediately. "Actually she identified three of the five." Mr. Banner then looked at Bella with a skeptical expression.

"Have you done this lab before?" He asks her at which Bella responded sheepishly.

"Not with onion root."

"Whitefish blastula?" He asks as Edward looks to me.

"Yeah." Bella responded and Mr. Banner nodded.

"Were you in an advanced placement program in Phoenix?" He asked

"Yes." Bella relied shortly.

"Well," He said after a second, "I guess it's good you two are lab partners." He mumbled before walking away and I say Bella doodling on her notebook.

"It's to bad about the snow, isn't it?" Edward asked her and I could tell he was forcing himself to make small talk with her.

"Not really." She answered and I could tell it was honest as when I met her she hated the rain.

"You don't like the cold." Edward states.

"Or the wet." Bella says.

"Forks must be a difficult place for you to live." He mused and I rolled my eyes and placed my head down wanting to block out the conversation. I manage to fall asleep until the bell rings and Edward and I walk back out to the Volvo as Bella makes her way to her next class. I lean against the car and tilting my head back, waiting till the end of school as the others got more classes. The rain was just a mist and I take off Jacob's jacket and places it on my seat as I see Bella walking to her truck hopping into the cab. I watched as she looked around and spotted Edward who was leaning on his door staring intently at her. I just shake my head reading his thoughts as Alice and Jasper walk up to me and I pull them aside.

"I know I'm not one to judge but I don't like the fact that Edward is getting close to Bella." I say to Alice as we all look seeing Bella's truck backing up quickly almost hitting a rusty Toyota Corolla in her haste.

"What you mean?" Jasper asks me placing his arm on my shoulder then removing it after feeling how hot I am. I grab their hands and shows them what happened as we see Bella pull out of the lot without looking our way but a side glance and we all hear Edward laughing.

I walk over to Edward and then looks at him. "What is wrong with you?"

"What you mean?" He replies as Emmett grabs my arms.

"First day you and her meet you wanted to eat her and now you wanna be chummy with her." I snarl through my teeth.

"Red, calm down." Emmett says pulling me close to him and then putting me into the car.

"Ignore her Edward." Rose says. "She's going through her shifting. She is so close to shifting alright."

"Alright we'll drop her off at home and then I guess we can go home." Edward says getting into the drivers seat as Emmett gets in next to me and Rose sits in the passenger. She passes Emmett Jacobs jacket and Emmett lays it on me and I calm down smelling Jacobs scent from the jacket. We finally make our way to my house and Jacob is sitting on the front step waiting for me to get home. I get out of the car and walks up to him smiling.

"Hey Jacob." I say excitedly hugging him.

"Hey Red." He says hugging me back leading me back to the front door. "I see you are using my jacket."

"Yea. It calms me down when I need it." I say smiling unlocking my door before walking in and seeing the railing completely fixed. "What you need Jake?" I ask walking to the kitchen as I set my bag on the couch.

"Nothing much I just wanted to see if you were gonna go to La Push soon." He asks plopping onto the couch. "That and my father wants me to hang around you more." He says as I walk back with a drink and hands it to him

"Oh. Why is that?" I ask turning on the TV and sitting next to him on the couch.

"Wow Red you are really warm are you ok?" He asks as his arm touches my shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine Jake." I say laying my head on his shoulder. "I'm glad you're here Jake."

He smiles and then looks at the TV. "I like hanging out with you Red." He says leaning his head on my head as he start feeling love towards me but he loves Bella.

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