Scarlet's Imprint

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I made my way through the rest of the week on the reservation with Sam and the rest of my pack, running keeping an eye out for my father. We've had a run in with him a couple of times and he's never realized who I was. Maybe it was because he didn't know he impregnated my mother, or if he did he never expected the baby to survive. It was the weekend and when I opened my eyes that morning on Emily's couch, There was a yellow light pouring into the window.

"Sun." I say groggily as I make my way to the bathroom seeing a suitcase of my clothes in it with a note from Sam.

"Hey Red, I figured you needed clothes and your makeup kit so I went to go get it last night. Hope you can put together an outfit." I read out loud smiling and shaking my head as I start the shower. I get out and leaves my hair down, I then put on a crop top and skirt and no shoes this time. I just do a natural makeup look with minimal makeup.

 I just do a natural makeup look with minimal makeup

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I make my way to the beach and I'm sitting on a log when Sam calls me over just as Bella and her friends arrive making their way to the logs and I smile looking to the ocean taking in the sun

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I make my way to the beach and I'm sitting on a log when Sam calls me over just as Bella and her friends arrive making their way to the logs and I smile looking to the ocean taking in the sun. I made my way to the other girls who were sitting there and I could tell Lauren scowled at me.

"Hey Jessica!" I shout walking over to her suddenly seeing Jake with his friends Embry and Quil joining the group as well as the members from my pack.

"Scarlet!" Jessica shouts waving at me. When she shouts my name Jake looks up at me and I meet his eyes and have this pull but as soon as I felt it I stopped mid walk as Sam and the others of my pack run up to me as I fall forward onto the sand.

"Red?" Sam yells picking up my head placing it in his lap as I look at him, I then sits up and puts my hair up a bun walking away from them as Sam follows me. I can feel Jake's eyes on Sam and I. I can feel the anger ebbing off of him thinking that Sam stole me away from him. "Red!" Sam shouts trying to catch up to me.

"No Sam!" I shout at him as I keep walking, Sam catches up with me grabbing my arm pulling me to face him.

"Scarlet, what is wrong?" He asks me holding my arms.

I break free from his grip yelling. "I imprinted on him Sam!"


"Jake! Who else Sam!" I shout tears pouring from my face.

"You imprinted on Jake?"

"Yes! I didn't want this to happen." I say sitting down on a log my face in my hands as Jared and Paul runs over.

"Red, are you alright?" Jared asks worriedly.

"She imprinted on Jacob." Sam says to them both and they both look at me as I look up and see Jacob talking with Bella and flirting and I sigh standing up and walking to the beach and wades into the water and starts swimming around as Sam and the others walk back. Jake looks at him as he sees me walk out of the water and squeezes the water out of my hair and walks off towards Emily's house. Jared jogs to catch up to me and looks at me.

"Scarlet what are you going to do?" He asks.

"I don't know, no matter where the fuck I go in Forks I'm going to be near Jacob." I say as I move a branch out of the way. "I can be near the Cullens cause I'm not going to be mad at Bella, I have a feeling she's head over heels for Edward." I say as I continue walking.

"Well what if you started dating someone to keep your mind off it." Jared asks looking at me.

"Can I actually block off the imprint?" I ask stepping over a root.

"I believe you can because of what you are." He says smiling and keeping up with me.

I sigh closing my eyes stopping in my tracks. "Let me try." I say focusing on that pull and starts blocking it out. Once I feel that it is fully blocked I look at Jared and smiles. "I can keep it blocked till something serious happens to him." I say looking at Jared and I can tell he taps into the pack link and I join him.

"Sam, Red figured out a way to block her imprint pull until something serious happens to him."

"Its true Sam. I couldn't handle being around him or Bella with that pull." I say as Jared and I continue walking to Emily's house.

"That's great Red. But what are you going to do until that happens?" Paul snorts.

"Jared was thinking maybe dating someone will also help distract her from it as well." I reply snarkily as we make it to Emily's and get inside.

"Who are you going to date?" Sam asks and I can hear Jared wishing I say him.

"Honestly, If its someone within the pack they would have to understand that at anytime the block would be destroyed." I say making my way to the bathroom I take off my makeup and change into comfy clothes.

Once I'm changed I walk out into the living room grabbing a roll from the kitchen and sitting on the couch as Jared comes over and sits next to me

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Once I'm changed I walk out into the living room grabbing a roll from the kitchen and sitting on the couch as Jared comes over and sits next to me.

"Red," Jared says looking at me as I take a bite of the roll. "Would you date me?" He asks anxiously.

"Honestly, even with the block I don't want to risk it, Jared." I say as we just sit there and he turns in the TV. "Sorry, Jared. Give me a while to think it over." I say apologetically.

"Alright Red." Jared says getting up and getting food for us both as the others are still at the Beach.

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