Emmett Cullen

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I look at the vampire next to me and introduce myself hoping to ease the situation. "Hi, I'm Scarlet. I'm new to the area." I say smiling as naturally as I can make it. He sits back up in his own chair and looks at me.

"I'm Emmett, Emmett Cullen." He says introducing himself.

"Did you say Cullen?" I ask wanting to make sure.

"Yes, why?" He asks curious.

"Well I met your father when I lived in Ontario, Canada." I explain.

"Oh, where?" He asks leaning on his elbows.

"At the hospital." I say not wanting to say more on the subject.

"You're the one he told us about." He whispers so only I can hear.

"What you mean?" I ask.

"He told us that he met a special type of us while at the hospital tending to her mother. He never gave us her name." He says as I look at him reading his thought and it was nothing but boastful I'm the strongest, and very childish but cheerful characteristics.

"That could've been anyone." I say looking at the board and then take notes.

"You have the eyes and the scent." He says leaning closer to me causing me to lean away.

"Yes and you have a mate so kindly please give me space Emmett." I state very uncomfortable.

He sits back up leaning into his chair and I look at him. "We can still talk you know." I say taking notes.

"I see." he says looking at me out of his peripheral vision. "I want to know more about you." He adds.

"Like?" I asks him looking back up at the board then down at my notes writing them down.

"How were you created?" He asks.

"I was walking home when these men attacked me I fought back and I ended up being fatally wounded." I say continuing to take notes.

"What happened to the men who attacked you?" He ask leaning forward looking at me.

"Another male attacked and killed the men." I explain.

"He decided to change you?" He asks.

"He bit me, the pain was unbearable and I blacked out." I state rubbing the bite on my hand as his eyes notice the bite.

"That's understandable." He says taking his notebook and taking notes.

My jacket falls off my chair and he reaches and picks it up and places it back on my chair, then continues to take notes as I continue to explain.

"When I came to I was a vampire, I was alone and wandered to find someone  like me." I say writing more notes.

The teacher comes over and hands us a group work and as I reach over to grab it I touch him accidentally showing him my past which causes him to grab my wrist and look at me intensely.

"You are the one my father met." He says angrily. "Why did you lie?" He asks.

I pull my wrist free from his grip and looks at him. "Cause what I am is a danger to both worlds." I say sadly. "I'm a monster because of what I am." I say looking down and turning my head away.

He looks at me and then hands me the chemical I was reaching for, and I take it gently from him and place a drop on the microscope panel and place it under the microscope.

"I'm sorry you feel like that Scarlet. You're not a monster, you're a wonder." He says smiling and placing a hand on my shoulder and then looks to examine the drop and writes his answer.

"Thanks Emmett." I say looking into examine and then writing my answer.

"So tell me about yourself." I say preparing the other slide to examine.

"Everything?" He says waiting for me to finish.

"Yes." I say replacing the previous slide for the new one.

"Well I was born as Emmett McCarty in 1915 in a small town of Gatlinburg, Tennessee as a large Scottish-Irish family. I had a wild adolescence. I never worried about consequences and preferred to gamble,drink, and womanize. I loved my family and I was the one who always kept them supplied with game." He starts off as he looks at the sample and writes his answer.

"I worked on the railroad with my older brothers while my younger sister stayed at home to help our mother." He continues to explain as I look at the sample and write my answer.

I take the next slide and start preparing it as he continues to tell me everything. "I was trying to get game for my family one day when I started to get mauled by a black bear in the mountains. I nearly died from the attack when Rosalie came across me and saved me carrying me over 100 miles back to Carlisle." He says taking the finished slide and sliding under the scope and looking at it before writing his answer and sliding me the microscope to look, then writing his answer and looking at me as I just stare at him.

"A Black Bear!" I exclaim staring at him as he chuckles and I look at it and write my answer.

"Yes." He says. "Rosalie is my angel who brought me to god, she had saved me. The change however was painful." He says preparing the next slide as I listen to him. "Carlisle attempted to give me painkillers but the venom burned it out before it could spread. After it my Angel and Carlisle explained to me what I am. This didn't upset me which shocked them, I had mentioned Hell's not so bad if you get to keep an angel with you." He says smiling and putting the slide on for me, I look at it and write my answer and slide the microscope to him.

"What about your human family?" I ask as he looks at it.

"I still cared for them, but I knew I could no longer go back. I had Edward prepare a bag of fortune in the hope of easing my family's pain over losing me, I personally left it on the porch myself. I hadn't looked back since." he states as he writes his answer.

"Did you have a hard time adjusting to their diet?" I ask still having issues of my own with it.

"Yes, Initially I did. I had drank human blood on a few occasions which caused us to move around a lot. In 1937 I'm guessing before you were born." He says as I look at him with aggravation at that comment.

"Yes. I was born 1988." I say as the teacher comes around and takes our papers.

He chuckles and I stick my tongue out at him. "While we lived in Forks for a bit we came across a pack of Shape-shifters and made a treaty for a peaceful resolve; from then on my family was forbidden to ever bite humans." He says.

"So if they were dying and changing them would save them, like Carlisle did for you. You still couldn't bite them?" I ask.

"Not in Forks, no. If we were in another state or country the treaty wouldn't apply. It only applies on Quiluete land, aka Forks. We also stay clear of the reservation as well, something I assume you can't do cause of your bloodline." He states.

"Yes. I can't. I'm a cousin to Sam Uley and Paul Lahote." I say looking up at the teacher as he explains the answers to the work we did and mentions the students who got it right, which included Emmett and I.

"You're a Uley?" He asks.

"Cousin. My mother was his mother's twin sister. But with the way genetics are children of someone who was a twin their parent's twin has the exact same DNA as the child's parent so if you want to get that technical. Sam's mother is my mother by twin DNA as our parents were Identical not fraternal. It only works with Identical." I stat letting my inner nerd show.

"Interesting." He says as the bell rings and I get up and head to my next class.

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