Jake's Symptoms

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"That's great." He says happily.

"I also asked him to Prom."


"He said yes he'll go with me."

"Time to go dress shopping with Alice & Rose then." He replies.

"Exactly. Do you need to go?" I say as I hear urgent voices.

"No. I'm on break."


"So tell me... Are you happy Jacob asked you out?"

"Yeah, I'm just worrying about when he shifts."

"Why's that?"

"He might not imprint on me."

"Scarlet. There's always a possiblitity that may or may not happen. All you have to do is take it in strides."

"I imprinted on him. When he shifts he might imprint on someone else." I say sitting down on my bed.

"What would you do if he does?"

"I'd either die or revoke or abolish my imprint which is just as bad as death. If I abolish then I'd be extremely aggressive and depressed. Sadly I'd leave Forks and probaly end up drinking human blood because of my mindset. I might end up in the sights of the Volturi. I don't know. I mean I already am in their sights just cause of my possible power to them alone."

"Scarlet, we'd help you out. You know that we'd take care of you." He replies as I feel the warmth and love coming from his voice.

"Carlisle. Can I ask something."

"Sure. What is it?"

"If that happens is there a way to make me full Vampire or Shifter?"

"The venom doesn't affect you though."

"I know but msaybe we could find a way to allow it?"


"Please just keep it in mind Carlisle."



"No problem."

"I got to go back into work now sweetie."


We both hang up and I go to my closet and changes into something a bit more comfortable.

We both hang up and I go to my closet and changes into something a bit more comfortable

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I send a text to Alice and Rose that we need to go Prom dress shopping soon. I then text Billy that Jake is with me at my home and to call me wheen he has a chance. He didn't respond right away. I head back down to the kitchen where I see Jake just standing there holding a knife his knuckle turning white while whatever he has in a pan burning. I run over turning it off and open the kitchen windows to let the smoke out.

"How was I not able to smell this burning." I think to myself.

"Jake?" I say concerned slowly reaching out to grab his aarm and take the knife from him when he breaks out of his trance.

"Scarlet, I just all of a sudden got angry."

"Jake. I'm going to feel your head. Ok, we may have to hold off on the food." I say as I slowly lift my hand to his forehead. As I feel his head he is hotter than normal, Around 140 degrees. As I kept feeling his head he grabs my wrist hard enough that it actually hurts.

" I don't want Sam to take you from me Scarlet!" He shouts gripping my wrist harder causing it to hurt more. I can feel pain if I'm hurt by a shifter or Vampire. I've learned to fake it when hurt by a human. The fact that it hurts tells me he's close to shifting. He'll shift once he turns 16.

"Jake!" I shout not pulling my wrist away as I finally notice tears on my cheeks. "You're hurting me!"

He lets go looking down at the bruise forming on my wrist." I'm so sorry love." He says pulling me into a hug kissing the brusie and it slowly disappears before he turns around and grabs an ice pack from my freezer and places it on my wrist. "I'm normally not like this... I don't know what's happening?" He says loking down.

I place my left hand on his and tilts my head to look at his face. "Jake... It's alright. I say laughing and he laughs back. "I love you."

"I love you to Scarlet." Jake replies kissing my head the pulls me closer by my hips dropping the ice pack into the sink.

I blush and looks up at him as he's smiling. "I've loved you since we first met." I say before I crash my lips into his as we kiss.

He pulls away. "I'm sorry I burnt the food."

"It's alright. Let's clean up and then head to Billy's. We have to tell him how you've been feeling."

"Alright." He replies as we both start cleaning up. My phone starts ringing and I walk over to pick it up.

"Scarlet?" I hear Esme's voice on the other end.


"I hear what happened with Jake. Congrats hun."

"Thanks Mum." I reply smilling as Jake grumbles under his breath as he scrubs the burnt food off the pan.

"Also your house will be done soon." She says.

"I guess I'd have to go furniture and appliance shopping once it's done."

"I'll help just let me know what style you'd want?"

"Give me time to see what style I want. I also want to thank you so much. You didn't have to rebuild my home."

"I know hun. It was what I could do for you for proteting the family. You are my daughter as well and I know you want to live alone right now."


"I love you Scarlet."

"I love you too mum"

"Alright. It will be a few days."

"It doesn't matter how long it wouldv'e taken. I would have waited as long as it would take. I really do appreciate you doing it." I reply

"Well it gave me something to do." She says.

"Thank you again. I do have to go now, I have to clean up the mess in my kitchen. Jake tried to cook something and it really didn't go well." I say turning to look at Jake and hear him humming.

"We'll go finish and I'll call you once it is done." She replies.


"Bye, hun." She says before she hangs up. I walk over to Jake and takes the pan he just washed and drys it with the towel. Jake all of a sudden just growls and drops the knife into the sink grabbing the edge of the sink.

"JAKE!" I shout dropping the towel rubbing my hand on his back moving his hair away from his face as I feel him geting hotter again and I dig in a drawer and I give him a shot (Almost like an Epipen. One of the ones I made with Carlisle.) to calm him down and relax him.

"I'm sorry Scarlet." He apologizes.

I pull him into a hug and kisses him. "I know. It's alright."

He sighs and nuzzles into my neck inhaling my scent. I bite my lip and lets him as he places his hands on my hips pulling me in more and then picks me up and carries me to the couch. "Jake. We need to get you home."


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