Scarlet Cullen...

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Alice and Razz grab my hand and lead me up the stairs to a red door, they open the door and inside is a room for me to stay in whenever I want. This room had a lot of windows but there were blinds that I could close to give off some privacy and an adjoining bathroom. Alice and Razz went all out filling my closet with clothes and shoes, they decided to decorate my room with purple as the main with red, black and grey accents.

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I smile as I walk in as my room is the only one on the 4th floor

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I smile as I walk in as my room is the only one on the 4th floor.

"You guys really shouldn't have." I say turning to face them both.

"It's not a problem we went and got everything while you were with Carlisle." Alice says smiling walking to sit on the chaise.

"Emmett helped." Razz says smiling and walking over to sit on my bed.  "You still need to sleep compared to us so Em and Jazz picked out your bed." She says looking around smiling.

"Thank you so much girls." I say fluffing my hair.

"Besides now you have us to help with your hair." Alice says looking to Razz.

"That is so true." I say walking over to my bathroom which houses my vanity and my closet which also connects to my bedroom. "You guys are going hunting tomorrow?" I ask coming to sit on the bed as well.

"Yes after Edward's issue today and the fact its going to be sunny we cant go to school." Razz says laying back.

"Razz?" I ask laying back.

"Yes, Scarlet?" She asks as she looks at me.

"I thought you wouldn't like me to join the family?" I ask her surprised she said it was ok.

"I was never against it. You may be a hybrid but I know that you would never hurt anyone unless they hurt someone you cared about." She says content as she lays on my bed.

"Well you girls want to watch a movie?" I ask sitting back up walking to the shelf that has movies and starts looking for one.

"Sure." both of them say excited.

"Alright you girls pick out a movie and I will go make myself snacks since I still have to eat." I say as I walk down the stairs running into Jazz on the 3rd floor causing me to almost fall down the stairs

"Oh sorry Scar." Jazz says catching me before I fall.

"Thanks Jazz." I say fixing my dress and looking at him. "Are u looking for Alice?" I ask my long wavy hair hanging down to my butt.

"Yeah, is she in your room?" He asks smiling.

"Yeah we were gonna watch a movie." I say stepping down a stair.

"May I join?" He asks excitedly.

"Sure, I don't mind my rooms big enough for all of us to fit in there comfortably." I say turning to walk down the stairs. "I just need a snack cause I do still need to eat." I say continuing to walk.

"Alright, I'll ask the others if they want to join in. Sadly we don't have anymore food items so you will have to go shopping." He says using his Vampire speed to catch up.

"That's fine by me." I state calmly feeling the urge to be angry as my shifting signs get worse.

"Ok see you when you get back Scar." He says walking to the others as I walk out the front door and to the garage where Emmett parked my car. I get in backing out of the garage after it opens driving down the freeway when a car crash happens in front of me so I slam on my breaks and pull over and rushes out to go help the people as others call 911. As I'm helping pull a person from the car as it begins to catch fire the lady leaning on my car screams.

"My Baby! He's in the car!" She screams. I turn around flick off my heels and run normal human speed break the window cutting my hand in the process unlocking and pulling open the door and getting the baby out holding him as my dress is torn and burnt, I have cuts and gashes all over my face and hands legs and feet. I take the lady her baby as EMS arrives. An EMT comes over to me as I lean against my car.

"Ma'am, you are injured let me check your wounds." He says concerned reaching up to check the cut on my forehead moving to my hand.

"Are they alright?" I ask him worried.

"The mother has minor injures and thanks to you the baby is completely fine small cuts but other than that he's fine." He says. "Your injuries to your hands and feet are minor but we may need to take you to the hospital." He says picking me up from the hood of my car.

"Carlisle Cullen is my adopted father can you call him when were on out way and have him have my brother drive my car back to the house?" I say tiredly.

"Yes ma'am." He says as he puts me on the gurney to head to the hospital. As were on our way there he calls Carlisle.

Carlisle and the rest of the Cullens are sitting in my room watching TV and waiting for me to get back when his phone rings and Alice freezes and Edward looks at Alice and Jazz hold her hand.

"Carlisle answer it." Edward says looking at him. "It's about Scarlet." Edward says quietly as Carlisle picks it up.

"Hello Dr. Cullen speaking." He answer the phone.

"Hello this is Wyatt with the Forks Hospital EMS." He says. "I have Scarlet here in the ambulance as she sustained injuries helping a woman and her baby from a burning car that crashed." He states.

"I'm on my way to the hospital!" He exclaims standing up from my bed. "Edward go with Emmett to get your sisters car and bring it back home." He states leaving the room and rushing down the stairs. "What are her injuries? Is she stable?" He asks panicked.

"She has several minor lacerations on her right hand from punching a car window to save a baby, Minor lacerations on her feet from being barefoot and walking on broken glass to save said baby, Minor burns and lacerations on her arms and legs, Minor lacerations on her face. She is stable and awake but she has a fever of 101 so we had to give her fluids. We also noticed she has a Glucose monitor and pump." He says explaining my injuries.

"Her heart rate and blood pressure?" He asks getting into his car as Razz gets into the driver's seat.

"Her heart rate was around 100 because of her helping the mother and her child and its now at a resting heart rate. Her blood pressure is 120/80. We also gave her some morphine to numb her pain." Wyatt says as we pull into the hospital. "We're at the hospital and we'll admit her."

Carlisle and Razz arrive at the hospital shortly after near the ambulance area, Carlisle gets out and puts on his Dr. Jacket and waits for them to unload me hanging up the phone.

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