The Conversation

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I rode with Edward and Bella to her home, Edward was driving and I was in the bed. I went not only because Edward asked me to go, but I also want to get out of the house. I saw Billy's car parked in Mr. Swan's usual spot, I saw Jacob behind Billy his hands on his father's wheelchair. I guess Edward heard Jacob's thoughts because I see him look at me in the rear view.

"Has he forgotten who the treaty actually protects? Edward hisses low only where I can hear, Bella and I glance up at him. Bella has a confused look and I roll my eyes.

"I hope not Edward." I say so only he can hear as I look to the front porch I see Jacob's face change. I'm guessing he saw that Edward was driving a second before Billy did.

"Him again. So she must be dating him." Jacob's enthusiasm vanished.

"No!" Billy's thought was a shout and I looked away, then it became a mental groan. "No." I turned off my telepathy as Edward parked the truck and I hopped out first.

"Just wait here, I'll be right back." I say to Edward. "Hey Billy, Jake." I say walking up to them.

"Red, what's going on?" Jake asks holding onto his dad's wheelchair handles. "Why are you hanging with the Cullens?" I look at Billy and I can see it in his eyes he's afraid for Bella.

"Please don't say what I think is going on." Billy's thoughts are loud.

"Well. Carlisle has been helping me with some advanced school work as I enrolled myself into Senior classes, so I have been going over there because he helps me." I lie smoothly. I also thought that Bella might want some company, also Bella and I have some plans for tonight." I look up at Jake and I feel the pull of the imprint beating against the block as Bella walks up behind me.

"Scarlet, Edward's waiting for you." Bella says as I walk back to the truck standing next to Edward.

"Tree?" I ask.

"Tree." He replies smiling as Bella shuts the door and we make our way to Edward's tree before they notice. I then use my power hiding us as it's daytime still and I don't want Edward to sparkle in my face.

"I need to know if things are going to get tense with the Tribe," Edward says. "Plus I'm not leaving till the Blacks do." I roll my eyes.

"I'm not going to fight them or you." I say looking into the house. "The main reason I'm around you and Bell is because. 1. You want someone extra to protect her when you're not around. 2. Also because I'm a hybrid, I can calm tensions and I am also one of the strongest members of the family, besides Emmett."

"Yeah, but this is my mate!" Edward hisses at me, I look at him with the look of 'Bitch, I know you did not just do that to me.'

"I know you just did not hiss at me!" I hiss back at him.

"I didn't mean to." Edward apologizes. "I just..." I cut him off.

"Edward, how do you think I feel," I ask looking back into the house as I see Bella moving around. "My mate is not aware that the myths and legends that are part of his bloodline are real. Also that he's in the house with your mate."

"Your mate's Jacob, I forgot." He says. "I can read his thoughts. He does like you, he just doesn't realize it."

"Well after this school year I want to go on a trip by myself." I sigh

"If you want." He says. "Do you want one of us to come with you?"

"No. I can manage." I reply. "Let's focus on Bella for the moment." We both focus back on Bella.

"Fishing again? Down at the usual spot? Maybe I'll run by and see him." Billy says as I tap into his thoughts. "Even more urgent now. I didn't know it had gotten so bad. Poor Bella, she doesn't realize."

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