Chapter 1

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A young man was sitting on the branch of the tall three. His skateboard was left laying under the tree. The teen was looking at the city he was about to leave. Stockholm. His city. His parents told him they were moving back to Japan, before he walked out of the house, as he needed to breathe. Japan was a place he had a very difficult time in. He had his first love, he got his heart broken for the first time. At the time, the fact that his family was moving to Sweden was a chance for him to escape the pain and forget. Now all of this was coming back. He was afraid to meet his past lover. Past lover, who used to be his friend.

On the next day, Y/n was in school. During the lunch break he told his buddies that he was moving out in two weeks. He had only two fairly close friends. Not much, but perfectly enough. Other people around him were his one night stands or enemies.

-You don't seem happy. - said Axel.

-I'm not at all. - answered Y/n.

-I always though Japan was cool. -added Mikael.

-You watch too much anime. - Y/n chuckled.

-With the stuff you went through, every country would suck. - Axel ruffled Y/n's hair to cheer him up. He always did it to his little brother and it worked. For some reason Y/n also found it comforting.

-I will miss the two of you morons. -Y/n sighed.

-We will miss our ball of trouble too.- chuckled Mikael. - Messing around in school won't be that fun anymore.

-Who will lead our basketball team? -pouted Axel.

-You will. - Y/n answered, making Axel widen his eyes in surprise.

-Tell you what, - said Mikael. - let me know when your break from school starts and you will come here and stay at my or Axel's place.

-Yeah! - Axel cheered. - That's a brilliant idea.

-I can't be such a trouble for you. -Y/n shook his head.

-Don't be stupid more than you usually are. - Mikael teased. - You're the last guy that would trouble us.

Y/n didn't know what to say, so he just thanked them and gave them a hug. Even though he knew them for years, he didn't expect someone to treat him like they did. When he came to Stockholm and met them in school for the first time, he was extremely distrustful towards everyone. Once the bell signaled the end of the break, they went to the classroom.

Two weeks later

Y/n and his parents were at the airport, boarding the plane. Y/n took the seat by the window, his mom sat in the middle, his father was by the pathway. Y/n, who was always interested in planes in aviation couldn't wait to feel the thrust of the engines. His father even thought that his son wanted to become a pilot, but his love for planes in particular wasn't that hard. Y/n was a man of many interests, but if you asked him about his future, he would just shrug. He didn't want to talk about any commitments.

Y/n smiled feeling the plane moving. The thrust of the engines pushed him deeper in his seat. His smile grew wider as the plane was getting faster and soon it started to fly. Then his smile faltered as he watched his beloved Sweden getting smaller and smaller as the plane was climbing. He felt a tear running down his cheek. He wiped it off quickly and grabbed his mp3. He put some music on and closed his eyes.

He didn't know that his mom was looking at him, concerned. Both her and her husband knew that moving back to Japan was a difficult for Y/n. They even talked about staying at some point, but Y/n refused. He said he wanted to face his problems and deal with them. He was serious about it, like he never was before. Y/n's father noticed his wife's worries. He took her hand and kissed it, reassuring her that everything will be okay.

The only thing that was going through Y/n's head was 'I moved on, I won't let the past break me again.' He kept repeating that in his mind, but he didn't seem to believe it deep inside.  

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