Chapter 6

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Friday came fast. Kise and Y/n got to their homes after the practice and started getting ready for their date. Then Y/n got in the train to pick Kise up from his house. Once he arrived, he ringed the doorbell and waited for the door to be answered. Soon it got opened, revealing Ryouta in a nice red shirt and black pants.

-Are you ready? - he asked, biting his bottom lip. - Before I will push you inside and give you those promised hickeys.

-Yes, we can go. - Kise smiled, pleased with Y/n's reaction.

Y/n and Kise went out. They got to a fancy restaurant, Y/n wanted their fist date to be special. They got on the train and relaxed as they were on their way. Once they arrived to the station, they took a walk to the restaurant. Ryouta smiled when Y/n opened the door for him and let him go in first.

The waiter seated them in more secluded area and handed them their menus. When he left, they opened the menus and started reading.

-See something you'd like? - asked Ryouta, as he was reading.

-Yeah, you. - Y/n smirked, seeing the blush on Ryouta's face.

-I was talking about the menu. - said Ryouta.

-What menu? - Y/n chuckled. - I'm forgetting the world when I'm around you.

Ryouta smiled and shook his head as he was picking what he wanted to eat. Y/n got back to reading what the restaurant had to offer as well. Once they were both ready to order, they closed the menus. Seeing that, one of the waiters walked up to their table and asked for their orders. They told him wat they wanted to eat and drink. He wrote it all down and went behind the counter to put their order in the system. As they waited for their food to be served, they talked and flirted with each other. They looked like they were having a good time. Which distracted someone, who also was on the date...

Akashi and Kuroko were sitting at the other side of the restaurant, but Seijurou couldn't stop looking over Tetsuya's shoulder. Finally Kuroko looked where Akashi was looking and sighed. Seijurou felt embarrassed that he got caught not paying attention to his boyfriend.

-I'm sorry Tetsuya. - he apologized, looking at his hands.

-I'm not angry. - answered Kuroko. - I had a feeling that you were distant after we met him once more. Are you feeling jealous, that he is with Kise-kun?

-No. - Akashi shook his head. - I don't have the right to.

-Yet you would want to be in Kise-kun's spot. - pointed Kuroko, as of he was able to see right through Akashi. - You still love him.

Akashi gasped and widened his eyes. He didn't admit to himself that he still had a thing for Y/n, yet Kuroko saw it without problems. He heard the truth that stirred his heart. He did love Y/n, there was no need to deny it anymore.

-Maybe I do. - he muttered to Kuroko.

-You do. - Kuroko took a sip of his milkshake, correcting him.

-But I can't do anything, he's with Kise now. - Akashi sighed. - I had my chance and I wasted it like a fool.

-My mom always told me that if two people are meant to be, they will end up together. - Kuroko said. -Don't worry. As for now, since you're still in love with Y/n, I have more courage to say what I wanted to say for a while.

-I'm listening. - Seijurou urged him to speak.

-Ogiwara-kun confessed to me few days ago. - he started. - I put it on hold, before I talked to you about it. I didn't want to do anything behind your back.

-As I understand, you want to break up with me. - concluded Akashi.

-Yes. - Kuroko nodded.

-I understand, thank you for telling me. - Akashi said. Instead of feeling pain, he was relieved in someway. - I don't resend you, I would appreciate if we could still befriends.

-Of course. - Tetsuya agreed.

-Now let's finish this dinner as friends. - offered Akashi, to which Tetsuya agreed once more.

They did as planned and left the restaurant before Y/n and Kise did. Akashi frowned as he saw the way they looked at each other. Eyes full of love and adoration. The same way Y/n used to look at him, back in Teiko.  

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