Chapter 11

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As the weather become more bearable, Y/n came up with an idea for a date. He was looking for a good place, but he didn't know the city well enough. So he asked Kuroko for help. Kuroko being the friendly ghost he is, gave Y/n some places he could possibly chose from. Y/n said he owed him and ended the call. When Kise had another photoshoot, he rode around the places Kuroko told him about for a while. He spent the whole day on that, until he finally made his choice. He got back home, quite tired.

-Y/n, you have a guest waiting for you in your room. - his mom called out to him as he walked in the house. He went to his bedroom, to see who it was.

-Hey babe. - Y/n said, seeing Ryouta sitting on the bed. - How was the photoshoot?

Y/n joined Kise on the bed and pecked his lips.

-Not bad, but I wanted it to end quickly. - answered Kise. - Where were you?

-Arranging a surprise. - Y/n smiled. -You will find out tomorrow. I will pick you up tomorrow at six in the afternoon.

-Is there any way I could convince you to tell me what the surprise is? - Kise asked leaning against Y/n.

-No, I will be very stubborn. - Y/n answered with a smirk.

Time skip

On the next day Y/n and Kise only talked on the phone and texted each other. Y/n was preparing the food for the date. Around five Y/n got in a cab to Kise's place. He arrived right before six. Y/n walked out of the cab, told the driver to wait, and walked up to Kise's door. He knocked on it. The door was answered immediately, meaning that Ryouta was already waiting for him.

-Ready to go? -Y/n asked.

-Yes, I couldn't wait. - Kise locked the door and followed Y/n to the cab.

They got in. Y/n told the driver where to go and the car started moving once more. Kise noticed the big bag Y/n had with him. He wanted to ask about it, but he didn't. Y/n was indeed stubborn on keeping his secret. Kise was about to find out what it was anyway soon.

Around half an hour later they were on the spot. It was a big park, providing silence. Y/n led Kise in the park. Once he found the right spot, he put the bag on the ground and opened it. Y/n took out a blanket and laid it down on the ground. Then he took out the boxes with the snacks.

-All ready. - he smiled at Kise. Ryouta joined him on the blanket and accepted the box with cut apples.

-I must admit I wouldn't come up with a picnic date. - said Kise, taking a bite. - I like it, simple and adorable.

-I wanted us to have some private time. - answered Y/n. - Even the waiter in the restaurant feels like a interruption at some point.

-I agree. - nodded Kise. - From many dates I had, this is the most creative one.

-Then you were dating very boring people. - chuckled Y/n.

-I had a bad luck, I guess. - Kise smiled. - But it changed now.

-Happy to hear that. - Y/n pecked Ryouta's lips.

That wasn't enough for Kise. He pulled Y/n in for a proper kiss, that was returned right away. They shared that kiss for a bit, before they pulled away. They got back to eating, feeding each other occasionally. Y/n smirked as he pulled out a pack of pocky and showed it to Kise. Ryouta chuckled and blushed a bit.

-How about we play the pocky game? - he asked.

-You don't have to ask. - Kise answered, smiling.

Y/n put the pocky in his mouth and leaned closer. Ryouta bit the other side. With that their faces started getting closer as they were taking turns in biting the pocky, staring straight in each other's eyes. Kise started to feel hot from Y/n's intense gaze. Both of them knew how this date would end. Once the last pocky was gone, Kise pulled away from the kiss.

-Let's go to my place. - he offered, earning a nod from Y/n.

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