Chapter 28

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The day of Y/n's birthday came. The Generation of Miracles were making plans for the whole week before it, since they wanted to organize his birthday party. In time Eikichi, Reo and Kotarou joined the preparations. Seijurou was the one, who supposed to pick Y/n up. He was on the way to Y/n's house. He made a stop at the store to get Y/n's favorite energy drink. Once he got it, he got back in the limousine and resumed the road. When he arrived, he knocked on the door. It was opened by Y/n's father.

-Good morning, may I steal Y/n for the day? - he asked.

-I'm sure he won't refuse you. - Y/n's father answered, then called out to his son.

Y/n, seeing Seijurou, didn't have to be told twice. He grabbed his phone and went to the car with him right away. Seijurou handed Y/n the can of the energy drink as they drove away.

-Happy birthday love. - he smiled.

-Thank you baby. - Y/n grinned and opened his drink.

They arrived to the basketball court, where the whole gang was waiting for them. They greeted Y/n, wished him happy birthday and split in the two teams. Seijurou made sure his boyfriend was in his team. After that they started their inhuman match.

-You only won because it's your birthday. - said Aomine, after the match.

-So was my birthday two weeks ago too?- Y/n smirked. Kise roared in laughed. - You know, when we played in Interhigh?

-Burn Mine-chin. - said Murasakibara, making Kise laugh even harder. Aomine glared at Kise.

-I'm sorry. - Kise said through his laugh, not being able to stop it.

After the match they went to the restaurant Akashi booked one of the lounges at. They took a walk since it wasn't too far away. The waiter led them to their table and excused himself to let the service of their food. Seijurou and the others used that time to give Y/n the presents. Y/n was opening them one by one, happy with anything he got. His friends really knew him well.

-Last but definitely not least. - Y/n said grabbing Seijurou's present. He opened it and raised his eyebrow as he took out a leather jacket. He liked it a lot.

-Put it on. - said Akashi. - I need to see if it fits. - he added, but it wasn't exactly true.

He knew it would fit, he just needed to see Y/n wearing it. He knew what Y/n's parents were getting him and he wanted his present to go with it. Y/n put the jacket on as asked, making Seijurou nod in approval. Then he took it off and sat down at the table.

-Thank you love, it rocks. - Y/n said, pecking Seijurou's cheek.

-I'm glad you like it. - Seijurou answered.

Time skip

Y/n spent half of the day with his friends, before he got back home with Akashi. His parents were waiting for him with the cake and their present. For this one day Y/n allowed himself to eat a big piece of the cake. Then Y/n's parents covered his eyes and led him to the garage.

-Ready? - asked his mom.

-I guess. - Y/n chuckled, before his father took his hands away from Y/n's eyes.

Y/n gasped. There was a motorbike in front of him with a helmet hanging on the handle. He walked up to the bike and got on it. It was comfortable, felt as if it was made to belong to Y/n. He will be passing the final license test in few days, now he knew why his dad signed him up for it.

-I love it. - Y/n said, before he looked at Seijurou. - And you must have known about it, I doubt the jacket and the bike are a coincidence.

-Yes, I knew. - Seijurou admitted. - I will take you for shopping for the rest of the gear.

Y/n thanked them all, before they went back to the house. Seijurou and Y/n went to his bedroom to have sometime alone. They put the presents away and got on the bed, before they snuggled up to each other.  

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