Chapter 12

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Y/n and Kise were walking to the gym hall for practice. Y/n wasn't in a mood to get tired, his mind was racing to find a excuse to not to attend the practice. Until the idea hit him. He grabbed Kise's wrist and stopped him.

-Babe, let's skip the practice. - he said.

-You don't want to practice? - Kise was surprised. This was unusual and Ryouta decided to tease Y/n about it.- What's up with you?

-I don't know, I feel lazy. - Y/n answered. He pulled Kise closer.

-What do you want to do instead? -asked Ryouta.

-We could go to an amusement park and have a little unplanned date. - Y/n offered, hoping Kise would agree.

-Okay, let's go. - Kise answered.

Y/n perked up immediately, grinning. They ran out of the school, making sure no one from the team noticed them. Y/n was a master in skipping school in general, so he didn't worry too much. They got in the train.

They got on the station near Y/n's house as it was the closest. They left their books in Y/n's room and changed into more comfortable clothes. Kise had to borrow clothes from Y/n as the only thing Ryouta had in Y/n's house was a hoodie.

-I must admit that my clothes look hot on you. - said Y/n.

-Thank you. - Kise pecked his lips.

They were about to go out, when Y/n's mom came back from work. She was surprised to see her son at home that early.

-Shouldn't you be on the practice? - she asked. 

-It was cancelled today. - Y/n answered. - We will go to the amusement park in that case.

-Okay, have fun. - Y/n's mom said and watched them leave. She knew her son was lying, though she didn't question that. His marks were fairly okay, basketball went good too. She didn't have to pressure him. She trusted her son to take care of himself.

Kise and Y/n got in the cab. The ride didn't last too long, before they were on the spot. Y/n payed the driver and wrapped his arm around Kise's shoulders as they walked through the gate. First they went to one of the food stands for a quick snack. They ordered two burgers with fries and got to eating. After that they went to the arena with electric cars drifting around. Y/n immediately jumped in one of them, pulling Kise with him.

-Hold on tight. - Y/n smirked as he car started to move.

Kise really had to hold on tight. Y/n was driving around flawlessly, no one managed to bump into him. Y/n was grinning, visibly having fun until the ride ended and they made their way to another ride available. It was all fun, though the kids running around and yelling was bothering Y/n.

They left the roller coaster for the end. Once that was over, they were about to walk out of the amusement park.

-Oi Kise! - they heard a black-haired teen calling out to them. Kise froze at that voice. - Don't you have a practice today?

-K-kasamatsu-senpai! - Kise smiled as innocently as he could.

-I graduated Kaijou and you are already slacking off! - Kasamatsu yelled and was about to kick Kise, but he was stopped by Y/n.

-You must be legendary Kasamatsu Yukio, our former captain. - he said. - Y/n L/n, I joined the team this year.

-I don't remember you from last year. -Kasamatsu got distracted.

-Yeah, I moved from Sweden few months ago. - Y/n cleared.

-Y/ncchi is one of the Generation of Miracles too. - said Kise. - We are unbeatable.

-Especially when you two slack off! -Yukio growled and charged at them.

Kise and Y/n stared running away with Kasamatsu chasing them. Thanks to the crowd they managed to escape. They took the first free cab they spotted and told the driver the address near Y/n's house. Both of them were panting.

-He will definitely call Hayakawa-senpai. - said Kise

-I don't know how you survived past year with this guy. - answered Y/n.

-I got hit a lot. - chuckled Ryouta. -But he was a good captain.

They got to Y/n's house soon. Y/n asked Kise to stay the night to which Ryouta agreed. They grabbed something to drink before they went to Y/n's room.

-It was fun. - Y/n sighed with the smile on his face. - It would be perfect if the kids around weren't so noisy.

-They are kids, what did you expect? -chuckled Kise.

-When I was yelling as a kid I was scolded and got in trouble with my parents. - answered Y/n. - My parents cared about my behavior.

-Cut them some slack. - Ryouta said, then took a sip of his drink. - I would probably spoil my child to the core.

-I don't know for myself as I don't plan on having kids. - answered Y/n. - And let's change the subject before we have a fight.

-Good idea. - nodded Ryouta. - And since we're both guys we don't have to worry about kids.

-Exactly, quite convenient. - Y/n sighed. - Let's take a nap.

Kise nodded and joined Y/n on the bed. They snuggled up to each other and fell asleep.  

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